
Natalie Portman Is a Great Big Shining Star

Richard Lawson · 12/13/10 12:25PM

Like so much else this weekend, the box office was a complete disaster! Everything was ruined, including a beloved franchise and the careers of two beloved actors. All is rot and ash now, so let's sift through it.

The Oscar Predictions You've Been Waiting For

Richard Lawson · 12/07/10 11:35AM

Well, it's that most wonderful time of the year again. No, not Christmas, the war against which we are fully waging. We mean Oscar season! Some early awards have been given out, so it's time to start the prediction game.

Hot Lesbian Ballerina Sex Surprisingly Lucrative at the Box Office

Richard Lawson · 12/06/10 11:21AM

Who knew! We're certainly shocked. But not more shocked than when we heard that Tangled managed to beat Harry Potter in the slow-ish post-Thanksgiving weekend. That's a big deal! As big a deal as Burlesque? Uh, no. Definitely bigger.

What's Opening in Theaters Today

Richard Lawson · 12/03/10 06:49PM

This is the first Friday of the last month for 2010 movie releases! With that meaningless distinction in mind, we turn today to look at ballet nightmares, gay fantasias, and very bad Christmases.

Black Swan: Natalie's Beautiful Nightmare

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 12/03/10 03:06PM

We were excited to find out what the buzz about Black Swan, the ballet centric psychological thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky, was all about. It's a thing of terrifying beauty, and better than you'd probably expect it to be.

The Gawker Guide to Fall Movies

Richard Lawson · 09/09/10 10:56AM

Fall is the best time for movies. All the serious awards-contenders strut their stuff, the thrillers are darker and grittier, and the romances tend to be weepies. Here's a guide to what's coming out from now until the new year.

Black Swan Sounds Crazy, Amazing

Richard Lawson · 09/01/10 12:08PM

Darren Aronofsky's new ballet thriller (yes!) Black Swan premiered at the Venice Film Festival last night and reviews are in. Most people? Most people really liked the film, which sounds weird, dark, and insanely intriguing.

Black Swan: Psychological Terror, But Mostly Natalie and Mila Kissing

Richard Lawson · 08/17/10 05:13PM

Here's a trailer for Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky's moody-looking psychological thriller set in the competitive and cutthroat world of professional ballet. It looks creepy and interestingly filmed and could be an unsettling rumination on ambit— Oh, fuck it. They kiss.

Nothing Is Scarier than Ballet or the Internet

Richard Lawson · 06/16/09 10:03AM

We have news from around the world today, but mostly from Foxborough and Australia. Two places both alike in dignity, but then suffering complete indignities like American Idol and movies about teenagers who save the world.

The life of a buzzword

Nick Douglas · 10/10/07 06:14PM

A buzzword is no black swan, but when one breaks out of the long tail into the short head and hits the tipping point it still makes me question the wisdom of the crowds. But because the world is flat, I've listed a freakonomical list of the lifespan of a buzzword. Purple cow.