Tales From the B List
Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 05:05PM
Two Crazy Days and Nights blind items this afternoon, both about sad old B list actors who snort and smoke drugs and sweat and threaten to ruin what's left of their careers. Sigh. The first one is a "comic B list actor with a very famous marriage and divorce was so coked out at a party over the weekend that he never stayed in one spot longer than 30 seconds. By the end of the night he was drenched in sweat and had gone through his entire stash." Tim Allen? Second druggie story after the jump.
Who Are The Desperate and Lonely?
Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 08:25AM
This lovely spring morning we bring you nice refreshing tales of a washed-up singer trying to claw her way back into the precious limelight and of a lonely television producer who, in a twist befitting O. Henry, hires a young lady, for her special services, whom he's already hired for a reality show. The sad chanteuse is first, from the Mirror: "Which faded pop star is so desperate to resurrect her career, she is shamelessly touting her CV to James Bond producers and Hollywood bigwigs?" Reality TV scandal after the jump.
Nick Denton · 03/25/08 02:38PMWho Is the Disgruntled Lesbian?
Richard Lawson · 03/21/08 08:42AM
E! online's Ted Casablanca loves to dish at length, on Fridays, about anonymous celebrities and their crazy, crazy lives. Today he talks about "Browhilda Frown-Free" a successful actress who likes to sleep with women. She has fake relationships with men, like you do in Hollywood, but her current pretend suitor is making some unpleasant noise about her Sapphistry. She's not happy! Hollywood is scandalized! In secret! Casablanca goes on at length, after the jump.
Which Actor Likes Them Young?
Richard Lawson · 03/18/08 01:35PM
An item today from the UK's Daily Mirror (via Crazy Days and Nights): "Which Hollywood A-lister has a reputation for hitting on women half his age? The thespian really doesn't care that he's old enough to be their father..." Ohh, cradle robbing! Our theory on the mystery rake's identity lies after the jump.
Molly Friedman · 03/07/08 02:46PM

One of the juicier blind items off the transom lately involves an A-list actress, a bold-faced female mag editor, and unkempt pubic hair. Asks the NY Daily News, "Which female A-lister's Sapphic relationship with a top editrix came to a crashing halt when the wordsmith saw her 'wildly' unkempt nether regions?" While memories of former Jane editor-in-chief Jane Pratt's claims that she dabbled in the Land of Lesbianism with Drew Barrymore delightfully resurface in our minds, Pratt is now a full-time radio chick. Recently departed Interview EIC Ingrid Sischy (not so delightfully) is another possibility, but somehow we can't see her gasping at the sight of an imperfect wax, considering her signature Bob Dylan-esque 'do. We leave it up to you, our faithful readers, to out the thwarted thespian in need of a pronto Brazilian in the comments. [NYDN]
Seth Abramovitch · 03/03/08 05:32PM

A highly placed Defamer operative asks: "Which hunky entertainment news anchor has been quietly dismissed for showing up to work drunk? (Quite a feat, considering some of his co-workers' track records.) But the real dirt is even better—apparently, he's gone through all of this once before." Hint: NOT Donny Osmond.
Who Is the Sapphic Striker?
Richard Lawson · 02/28/08 11:16AM
New York Daily News is teasing us about a lady Hollywood type (a "TV vixen" they call her!) who shacked up in New York City during her strike vacation and spent romantical time with... another woman. Who could it be? We'll give you a hint at our theory: it starts with an "S" and ends with an "ue Johanson even though she lives in Canada and it's definitely not her but it would be so great if it was." [NYDN via Queerty] Hey, guessing lesbians is fun! We should do it more often.
"Gossipeuse" Blind Item Revealed! Sort Of...
Richard Lawson · 02/26/08 01:34PM
Earlier today I mentioned an NY Post blind item that ran this morning, about a "gossipeuse" (lady gossip columnist) who caught some heat for doing a reality show without her employer's consent. Later on we got a tip that it was Shallon Lester from Rush & Molloy. We managed to get in touch with her and she responded that yes, in fact, she is working on a reality show, but that she totes told her bosses and everything's okay. Phew! But what's the show about?? Could it be like Tabloid Wars, the Bravo reality mess about, uh, well, gossip reporters from the New York Daily News? (Except, maybe, people will watch this one?) Shallon can't say:
Google Solves All Blind Items
Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/08 11:22AM
The internet: at least it's good for investigating things. Like that crazy kid who shot up Northern Illinois University, for example. What did he say on Myspace? What did he say in school papers? These bits and pieces of online information are the new currency of citizen-level investigative reporting. They allowed bloggers to correctly name the shooter before his name had been released [Chicago Tribune]. But the vast and heretofore useless collection of random, unrelated facts on the web also has another, far more important use: providing us the answer to all Blind Item gossip.
Who (Or, What) Is The "Gossipeuse"?
Richard Lawson · 02/26/08 08:56AM
Post blind items today features a word that always sends shivers up the spine: "gossipeuse". We've seen it before, and we guess we know what it means, but think maybe it could be something far more insidious. Oh well! Let's dish about her/it. Said gossipeuse "is about to get the ax? She probably should have told her bosses she was shooting a reality show before just going out and doing it on the sly." A gossipeuse, deferred. [P6]
Musto's Blind Item Madness
Pareene · 02/20/08 04:27PM
Village Voice gossip Michael Musto tossed out something like 10,000 of his classic blind items yesterday. So why not go nuts trying to figure out who they refer to? Here's one we feel like we should get: "Which CBS personality sits in his car telling passersby that he's doing so to watch Katie Couric on the news, but it's actually to stall until 7 p.m., when his parking there can become legal?" Bob Schieffer? A couple more entertaining ones, after the jump.
Sexy, Sexy Guessing Game
Richard Lawson · 02/19/08 11:14AMLedger Reporter Snorts Lede
Richard Lawson · 01/31/08 04:18PM
When a reporter spilled the beans that he had participated in drug use with Heath Ledger (and had even been the one to contact a dealer to buy more sweet, sweet substance) his magazine dropped the story it was going to run about the deceased gay cowboy's drug use. Quel scandal! Which magazine do YOU think it was? [FishbowlNY] (Originally from Popbitch so the mag could be British.)
Mystery Sexy Actor: Rob Lowe?
Richard Lawson · 01/29/08 12:07PM
We wondered yesterday who the mystery actor could be in Melora Wolff's recent New York Times Modern Love column. I mentioned I had a theory, one which was confirmed by several of the commenters. That theory, of course, was Rob Lowe (Look toward the end of this article. Same part and time frame as mentioned in Wolff's article.) A charming actor with rosebud lips and little talent. But I like him! I do. So, if that was indeed the star she bedded, a few years after his *steamy* turn in Hotel New Hampshire, then good for her. After all, it could have been him.
Mystery Sexy Actor
Richard Lawson · 01/28/08 12:10PM
Who is Melora Wolff talking about in yesterday's Modern Love? She talks about a summer production of Three Sisters many years ago, in which the role of Tuzenbach was played by a young movie star. A young movie star with whom she had a sensual affair. Now she sits at home, watching DVDs of his "popular TV drama" and remembers his young, taut body. Honestly, I couldn't really tell if this was lurid or lovely or both. Either way, I really wanted to know the identity of this famous former flame. After some light research, I have a theory. Someone big in the 80's. Who do you think? [NYT]
The Network TV Producer (Allegedly!) Who Swills Tequila Before Noon
Maggie · 01/17/08 04:11PM
Today's Page Six asks "WHICH slave-driving producer of a morning TV show was ordered by the network's legal department to cease and desist offering staffers tequila shots on Friday afternoons?" We haven't had a good poll here in awhile, but this one's pretty obvious. Over at the CBS 'Early Show,' producer Shelley Ross has been breaking balls since she arrived in September, prompting a number of staffers to walk. Ross herself was fired a couple of years ago from her ABC News gig in the wake of staff complaints about her um, rather intense management style. One CBS staffer, who sent a protest manifesto to network executives, complained that despite "tequila Fridays" being nixed, "there is much evidence that drinking tequila or alcohol but especially tequila with Shelley is considered the way 'in' with her and her group." Oh my God, the same thing happened to me in the ninth grade! After the jump, more bitchery and unrest at the consistently third-ranked network morning talk show.
Name That Childish CNN Anchor
Pareene · 01/04/08 02:43PM
According to her HuffPo bio, "Linda Keenan worked 7 years as a head writer/senior producer for various programs on CNN. Before that, she worked as a writer/producer for Bloomberg TV." Now she's a mommyblogger. Which makes her more than qualified to present a series of amusing blind items about childish behavior by famous television newsanchors. After the jump, we solicit your guesses and present a couple of ours.
Iowa: Where Everybody Loses Their Shit
Joshua Stein · 01/04/08 01:38AM
Iowa has never been this crowded, ever. The influx of political reporters, presidential supporters and caucus courters has created a scrum of smelly hacks, sweaty backs and winning blacks. New York magazine was so deep in that scrum, they couldn't see very well and wrote a bunch of highly-entertaining profoundly blind items. The only thing unequivocal sentence came from an anonymous reporter: "Everybody is just losing their shit." As Tolstoy says, every insane loses their shit in their own way. Who for instance, is the "major photographer [who] had a public meltdown in front of dozens of other reporters in a hotel lobby? The snapper berated a bellboy so aggressively that fellow media members fled the scene." More blind items after the jump. Send correct answers to and be rewarded with nothing!