Coming Soon From Gawker Media and 'Lucky': Wonkette, The Doll!
Haber · 03/07/05 12:45PMJay Rosen and Rob Corddry: Blogging on TV (Again)
Haber · 03/04/05 10:17AMIntra-Site Plugfest: Meet Your Gridskipper Captain, Brendan Koerner
Haber · 02/28/05 01:35PMBlogs: Clearly Influential; Bloggers: Clearly Self-Aggrandizing
Haber · 02/28/05 09:25AMComedy Central Intern: Jokes! Blogs! Hugs!
Jessica · 02/24/05 01:04PMIs there anything more precious than the blog of a corporate slave? Not even a newborn puppy on a pink cloud is as cute as a secret work blog! Oh, how we fondly remember when we used to have "day jobs" so numbing that we were compelled to do that sort of thing. The "side project" of a Comedy Central intern has us feeling all fuzzy and nostalgic:
'Slate': Finally, An End to Blogs
Haber · 02/24/05 12:07PMSome say the blogosphere will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
Linkola Rears Its Ugly (Free) Head
Haber · 02/07/05 12:42PMIntroducing Miss Hancock
Haber · 02/07/05 07:00AM
Good morning, class (and I use that term in the loosest possible sense). As you know, Miss Coen will be out this week. Your substitute Gawker will be Noelle Hancock. You can call her Noelle, or Miss H., or Miss Hancock, or, if you're really tired and you didn't have your government issued breakfast this morning, you might slip up and call her mommy. And, yes, we know her last name sounds sort of dirty: you're so, so clever.
'NYT' Blog Coverage Reaches Tipping Point
Haber · 02/02/05 09:16AMGawker Media Announces Gridskipper & Lifehacker
Jessica · 01/31/05 01:00PM
In our continuing quest to provide you ever more distractions from your pressing responsibilities, Gawker Media proudly announces the launch of its two newest babies: Gridskipper, a sexy travel blog, and Lifehacker, a sexy software blog. Edited by sexy Gawker lackey Andrew Krucoff, Gridskipper is an urban travel site with attitude; the even sexier Kinja princess Gina Trapani helms Lifehacker, which serves a smart guide to better living through technology. Did we mention that both sites are very, very sexy? 'Cause they are.
Awful Plastic Surgery's Legal Lip Service
Haber · 01/27/05 11:31AM2005 Bloggies Nominees Announced!
Haber · 01/24/05 08:54AMBlog to the Future!
Haber · 01/20/05 02:40PMWe're slowly starting to grasp what this whole blog thing is all about thanks to the enthusiastic words of proponents of the medium like Wired News' Adam Penenberg. In his "Media Hack" column, Penenberg preaches the blog gospel today with a piece called Like It or Not, Blogs Have Legs. (Wait, they have legs now? They're evolving too fast to control the gene pool!)
'Newsweek' Gets Over-Enthusiastic About Blogs
Jessica · 01/19/05 02:12PMRegarding Fox drama The O.C.:
This Is Why The Internet Is Not The Same As The Newspaper
Jessica · 01/14/05 12:05PMWe don't read political blogs (they never write about pretty things!), so we didn't notice that political blogger Daily Kos had a disclosure at the top of his site stating that he was working for the Dean presidential campaign. Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that Markos Zuniga Of Daily Kos and Jerome Armstrong of MyDD got paid $3k a month for four months of work with Dean s army:
Sons and Bloggers: Life Imitates 'The Onion'
Haber · 01/14/05 11:30AMGawker Holiday Gifts: Fluxblog and Fimoculous
Andrew · 12/30/04 10:30AMMore holiday gift-giving from two well-respected bloggers who graciously answered our call to play Santa. Matt from Fluxblog has a soft spot for Lindsay Lohan, Bono, and the Republican Party while Rex of Fimoculous wraps Karl Rove, Janet Jackson, Mel Gibson, and Neocon Bloggers in a giant bow. Their wonderful gift ideas after the jump.
Blogs and Books: Still Worth Writing About, Apparently
Haber · 12/15/04 08:04AMIf your dog walked on two legs ("Like a little person!"), you might send an email to your friends telling them about it. And they might even find it amusing.