Gawker Stalker: Harvey Keitel Never Leaves Home Without His Prada Purse
Jessica · 07/20/06 05:20PM
Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map — which, by the by, is up and running again, so please resume sending your stalking adventures to tips@gawker.com. Really, people, we're emotionally devastated by the lack of sightings in the box today. GO OUTSIDE. FIND THE FAMOUS PEOPLE.
Daily Gawker Stalker: Gisele Obviously One of Those Bitches Who Looks Fantastic in 100-Degree Heat
Jessica · 07/19/06 05:00PMClassic Gawker Stalker: Ann Coulter Riding That Train, High on Cocaine
Jessica · 07/18/06 05:35PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Why Wouldn't Don King Walk Around Carrying a Miniature American Flag?
Jessica · 07/12/06 05:20PMGawker Stalker: Moses Martin Forced to Suffer the Indignity of Citibabes While Awaiting Soho House Membership
Jessica · 07/11/06 02:20PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Dr. McDreamy Forces Puppy on Helpless Daughter
Jessica · 07/10/06 04:56PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Gisele Deigns to Touch the Unwashed Masses
Jessica · 07/07/06 04:25PMClassic Gawker Stalker: Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo Cement their "It" Couple Status by Berating the Little People
Jessica · 07/06/06 04:40PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Vanessa Minnillo Hates Doormen
Jessica · 07/05/06 05:30PMClassic Gawker Stalker: Bill Clinton is still the BMOC
Jessica · 07/03/06 01:05PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Car Commercials Love Cool James
Jessica · 06/29/06 05:25PMRemainders: Boy George, Feminine Garbage Man
Jessica · 06/28/06 06:00PM
• Instead of serving hard time for cocaine possession, Boy George will be doing community service. Specifically, he'll be working for the Department of Sanitation. With the summer heat melting rat turds everywhere, we would've opted to be a prison bitch. [OMG]
• Terror returns to the financial district: Naomi Campbell moving into 55 Wall Street. [WSJ]
• Peter Kaplan and Arthur Carter are surprisingly hot. [The Real Estate]
• If Star Jones and Al Reynolds were fish, she'd be the bug-eyed starfish and he'd be a gay-as-a-rainbow trout. [Gallery of the Absurd]
• Heather Graham gets ice cream and you don't. But really, she needs it more than you do. [Almost Literary]
• If you combine Times heds with the final paragraph of the accompanying story, you get a simplified, if not mildly insane, result. [Bumper Active]
• Grace Edwards toes dangerously at the nipslip line — really, New York Social Diary just doesn't do that sort of thing, dear. [NYSD]
• This is extremely late-breaking, but when in doubt, blame sagging circulation on natural disasters. You can't argue with God's weather patterns! [Mediaweek (last graf)]
Daily Gawker Stalker: Star Jones Takes Her Weave to La Goulue
Jessica · 06/28/06 04:30PMClassic Gawker Stalker: Philip Seymour Hoffman Hates Cute Midwestern Kids
Jessica · 06/27/06 04:15PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Kate Beckinsale, Closet Footballer
Jessica · 06/26/06 05:10PMNatashaWatch: Father Believes Clara Bow Role Better Than Rehab
Jessica · 06/26/06 10:15AM
Last week we posted a compilation of reader sightings of starlet Natasha Lyonne, whose well-documented drug problems have pushed her towards obscurity. The sightings weren't positive — more or less, Lyonne was described as looking as if she fell off the wagon right before it ran over her. After the item ran, her father, Aaron Braunstein, emailed Gawker to speak with us, but when we responded that we were available, he never wrote back and we moved on with our day. But it would seem that Braunstein opted to talk to Lloyd Grove instead: