As Taxpayers, We Ask That the City Please Do Something About Natasha Lyonne
Jessica · 06/19/06 09:33AM
Remember Natasha Lyonne? The adorably husky actress from American Pie and Slums of Beverly Hills seemed to have skipped her DARE classes and, in the past year and a half, has threatened to molest her neighbor's dog, pissed off her landlord Michael Rappaport (who wrote about her drug den in Jane), and was hospitalized for all sorts of life-threatening, needle-related things. The last Natasha sighting we ran was in January; we didn't receive another until mid-May. But as we'd not heard much about Natasha, we weren't sure if the sighting was legit, so it was set aside for safekeeping. Then we received a genuinely disturbing Natasha account, then another, and yet one more last night. Four fucked Natashas cannot be ignored, so here they are, in order:
Classic Gawker Stalker: Celebrities do Concerts, Part Deux
Jessica · 06/16/06 01:30PMWe're a little behind on listing up our reader-supplied sightings in the old-fashioned manner, so we've got two old-school editions in a row. New sightings are still constantly posted to our Gawker Stalker Map, so go there for your hourly fix. In the meantime, send your stalking stories to tips@gawker.com.
Classic Gawker Stalker: Celebs Love Themselves Some Radiohead
Jessica · 06/15/06 12:52PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Posh Doesn't Care About Some Bloody Football Tournament
Jessica · 06/14/06 05:45PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Ashlee Simpson Shows Soho Her Newly Finished Face
Jessica · 06/13/06 04:40PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Faye Dunaway Goes Batshit at Bloomingdale's
Jessica · 06/12/06 05:15PMClassic Gawker Stalker: Celebrity Editors — They're Just Like Us!
Jessica · 06/09/06 04:10PMGawker Stalker: James Woods Helps Pretty Girls With 'Auditions'
Jessica · 06/07/06 05:20PMDaily Gawker Stalker: Spike Lee Cries on the Inside
Jessica · 06/06/06 04:30PM
For what it's worth, we are very much aware that many of you readers, plus half the population of China, are currently unable to view the Gawker Stalker Map. If we knew what the problem was, we'd put on our rubber gloves and have a word with our servers, just to knock some sense into the fucking things. But these delicate matters are above our paygrade, and we only wear our rubber gloves after 10 PM. We're told that the tech gerbils are currently handling the situation and things will be fixed ASAP. Keep the faith.
The Omen: CFDA Awards
Jessica · 06/06/06 08:16AM
Those fashionistas sure are wily, scheduling their big fancy party the day before 6/6/06 — as if missing satan's spring break by a mere day is going to hide the pure, svelte evil of the Council of Fashion Designers of America awards. But we weren't fooled: the devil's hand was everywhere, from Janet Jackson's ersatz breasts to Glenda Bailey's terrifying decolletage; even Jessica Simpson was more whorish than usual. On the bright side, angelic Tommy Hilfiger has a sense of humor.
Gawker Stalker: Ethan Hawke Does Not Know How to Order a Bagel
Jessica · 06/05/06 03:10PMThat's right: we're temporarily lifting our ban on Ethan Hawke, just this once, because his adventures in bagel-ordering are too amusing to be ignored. You know the routine: Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, texty compilation. Send yours to tips@gawker.com.
Daily Gawker Stalker: When Isn't Jimmy Kimmel Visibly Intoxicated?
Jessica · 06/01/06 04:40PMClassic Gawker Stalker: One Reader's Awkward Meta Moment with Jon Voight
Jessica · 05/31/06 12:42PMDaily Gawker Stalker: In Real Life, Robert Sean Leonard Is Still Alive
Jessica · 05/25/06 05:00PMFamous Babies Are Better Than Regular Babies
Jessica · 05/25/06 10:02AM
Because everyone in Hollywood is a new parent, about to become a parent, or at least biologically capable parenting something, People magazine has decided to spin its celebrity baby scrapbooking service into a seperate venture. You have to admire their genius: upright primates have been breeding for millions of years, but in just five weeks they've declared that babies are HOT right NOW. Next month the mag will hawk a special spin off, creatively titled Celebrity Babies, devoted to the lifestyles of Hollywood parents and keeping you up to speed on this season's sexiest nursing bras. Unfortunately for the people of Namibia, the mag has already closed, meaning that the Jolie-Pitt collaboration won't be featured — but that leaves wide open the possibility for People to mark the birth with a "World's Sexiest Infant" issue.