
Harrowing Video Shows Police Storming Paris Market, Shooting Gunman

Taylor Berman · 01/09/15 04:37PM

This afternoon France 2 released video of police storming the kosher supermarket in eastern Paris where Amedy Coulibaly had taken 14 people hostage. The video shows several dozen police firing into the store and tossing flash grenades until Couibaly, who earlier in the week allegedly killed a Paris police officer, runs out. The video pauses before Couibaly is killed, but France 2 reports he was shot 60 times. Seconds later, the video resumes and terrified hostages are seen fleeing the market.

How Much Did We Need This Blasphemy?

Maria Bustillos · 01/08/15 05:50PM

Even Ross Douthat came out swinging yesterday in favor of the slain cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo ("The Blasphemy We Need"). Since it is difficult to find even one square inch of common ground between right and left in American politics, this ought to have come as good news. Unfortunately, Douthat's Take is yet another of the many, many exercises in facile hypocrisy we've seen since yesterday.

Terrorism Works

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/15 02:36PM

Terrorism persists because terrorism works. Terrorism works because we let it.

Police Officer Killed After Gunman Opens Fire in Southern Paris

Aleksander Chan · 01/08/15 08:00AM

Further raising tensions in Paris amid a manhunt for two suspected shooters in yesterday's Charlie Hebdo office massacre, a police officer was killed and another person injured after an unidentified assailant opened fire early Thursday. French police do not believe there to be connection between this morning's shooting and yesterday's killings.

Newspapers Are Censoring Their Photos of Charlie Hebdo Mohammad Cartoons

J.K. Trotter · 01/07/15 03:20PM

At least three English-language outlets—the New York Daily News, the London-based Daily Telegraph, and the Associated Pressare either pixelating or completely deleting photos of Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad. Members of the satirical magazine’s Paris staff were gunned down this morning by masked attackers. As BuzzFeed points out, other Western outlets such as CNN have taken similar steps in the past when reporting on controversial depictions of the most prominent prophet in Islam.

Journalists Rush to Interview Potentially Dead Charlie Hebdo Employee

Leah Finnegan · 01/07/15 11:31AM

Mere hours after terrorists mowed down the office of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the world's journalists are on the case, attempting to get an interview with one of the paper's employees, Laurent Leger. One small thing: It is not yet known whether Leger was one of the 10 Charlie employees reportedly killed in the attack, or if he was injured. Still, maybe he has time to catch up? Or even if he is alive, it might be good for him to chat with a random BBC radio journalist about how his co-workers were just shot to death?

Gunmen Kill 12 in Shooting at Paris Satirical Newspaper

Max Read · 01/07/15 07:53AM

Masked gunmen wielding Kalashnikovs and a rocket launcher killed at least 12 people and injured 10 more at the Paris offices of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday before escaping. French president François Hollande called the shooting "unquestionably a terrorist attack."