
Steven Spielberg Makes Most Epic Puzzle Game Ever

Nick Douglas · 02/07/08 03:21PM

Electronic Arts officially announced Steven Spielberg's first video game yesterday. Strangely, it's a puzzle game, which sounds uncharacteristically un-epic for the director; shouldn't he be making the new Halo? But Boom Blox, a Nintendo Wii game that Spielberg conceived two years ago, actually seems worth more than an hour of play, at least for those of us old enough to be amused by the sheer number of things flying around and exploding. After the jump, the game trailer and requisite punchline.

R.I.P. David Letterman's "Mitt Romney Looks Like..." Jokes

Pareene · 02/07/08 03:01PM

What will we miss most about Mitt Romney's now dead campaign? He was perfect fodder for Letterman's not-striking writers. Since Iowa, Letterman's been offering a good half-dozen Romney one-liners in every monologue. Attached, a video compilation of a few magical nights of Mitt Romney jokes. Never forget. (Our favorite, sadly, is not included: "Mitt Romney looks like the American president in a Canadian movie.")

CNN Crisscrosses Globe To Ask Angelina Jolie About Iraqi Refugee Crisis, What's Going On With Her Uterus

mark · 02/07/08 02:50PM

Having dispensed with ten or so totally boring minutes discussing the plight of millions of Iraqi refugees with U.N. Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie, CNN correspondent Arwa Damon felt that she'd established enough of a rapport to end their conversation by finally broaching the only subject the network's viewers really care about: "Hey, Angie, are you all knocked up with Brad's beautiful twinsies or what?" From CNN's transcript of Jolie's interview on the refugee crisis:

'Project Runway' Challenge Addresses Issue Of Wearable Women's Piledriverwear

Seth Abramovitch · 02/07/08 01:37PM

With two weeks since the last new installment, we came to last night's episode hungry for Project Runway action, like a submissive John desperate to be body-slammed by his favorite dominatrix in thigh boots. Luckily, this week's challenge amply serviced our whimpery needs, as the guest models were the Divas of WWE. They were she-beasts all, showing off for the remaining designers in an impressive demonstration that required them to grab a regular Runway model by the ankle, then swing them over their heads and launch them across the room before high-fiving each other and engaging in a spirited flex-off. Enjoy.

Shep Smith Finally Detonates

Ryan Tate · 02/07/08 01:59AM

Shep Smith's explosion at Naomi Wolf yesterday was, in retrospect, inevitable. There was the pressure of a big-league $7 million contract with Fox News. There was his strange desire to "perform" for Fox News chief Roger Ailes "in the way a kid wants to perform for his dad." There was the inevitable bloodlust that comes from not having violently attacked anyone for seven years. And there was a sense that Shep had something bottled up inside, something he was dying to let out. His victim, liberal author Wolf, was selected after she had the audacity to insult John Kerry and Bill Clinton, an act that never goes unpunished at Fox. In the terrible aftermath, we are left only to ponder Shepard's plaintive wail, "Don't you Fox on me, ever!" Be Shep's Thursday morning quarterback, after the jump.

Watch YouTube Eat A Boy's Soul

Nick Douglas · 02/06/08 08:04PM

"Guess what, you're losing your bashing privileges!" A boy using the name broncfn90 yells at the YouTube commenters who ripped him apart. All he did was come on this site to give his opinions on the Denver Broncos! And they all disrespected him! But seriously, this poor kid had explained on video that his face has been half-paralyzed since birth, and the commenters still came at him. Now his videos (which were reposted by his detractors after he deleted his account) are making the rounds at 4chan, that pit at the bottom of the Internet, and broncfn90 might become a mini-Chris Crocker. Come see a boy gone mad. Plus a bonus video from the vaults, of a teen girl crying over YouTube comments. The takeaway, as if you didn't know: YouTube users are scum and reading their comments will turn you into a whiny pile of impotent rage.

Sean Penn As Harvey Milk: First Set-Gawking YouTube Video

Seth Abramovitch · 02/06/08 04:54PM

Thanks to some intrepid, DV-equipped pedestrians in San Francisco's Castro district, the YouTubes now provide some tantalizing glimpses of what Sean Penn looks and sounds like as Harvey Milk in Gus Van Sant's biopic. (His face is obstructed in the clip above, but you can get a better look at him here.)

A Confused Sam Donaldson Chats With Perez Hilton

Pareene · 02/06/08 04:42PM

Popular internet gossip weblogger Mario "Perez" Hilton-Lavandeira 's late endorsement of Senator Hillary Clinton in the California primary might have been the deciding factor, according to venerable ABC journalist Sam Donaldson, who was trotted out by terrorists of some kind and forced to interview Lavandeira by phone, to his utter befuddlement. Donaldson explains that he knew Perez's grandfather Conrad, he wonders why there was "this hugely pregnant woman" on Ms. Hilton's internet site, then he promises to watch Perez Hilton's website every day. Buzz buzz! [ABCNews]

'TONY' Vid Proves Existence Of Happiest, Most Fulfilled Dog-Owning Single Lady Ever

Pareene · 02/06/08 02:47PM

Time Out's Julia Allison-led Singles Issue is online now, complete with a behind-the-scenes video of the making of that sure-to-be-iconic cover image. Also there are essays! One, from Ms. Allison, about being a self-empowered single lady or something. An another, from some non-famous TONY staff lady, dissenting! Ashlea Halpern is not buying Julia. Because Allison's "MARKET YOURSELF LIKE A BRAND AND BE TRUE YOURSELF TOO LADIES" advice is insipid and useless pap, sure, but also because Ashlea seems to be convinced that it only works "if you happen to look like Julia Allison", which surely ties a record for point-missing. Oh, we've embedded the damn video after the jump, in case you have no self-respect. It's four minutes long. She rolls around in bed with her dog in PJs. 'Cause she's single and loving it! [TONY, Previously]

Matthew McConaughey's Tale Of The Python Who Didn't Really Do Anything Way Scarier When You're Baked

Seth Abramovitch · 02/06/08 01:07PM

Matthew McConaughey popped by the Late Show with David Letterman last night, having at some point in the hours since his Today Show appearance discovered the magical, groove-restoring properties of greasy hair product. It wasn't long before the actor had a bug-eyed Letterman caught helpless inside his mighty yarn-spinning coils, as he recounted the time during the Fool's Gold shoot when he dispatched a group of adventuresome children to hunt down a mostly inert snake lurking uncomfortably close to his sleeping quarters.

Chelsea Clinton's 'View' Outreach Successful

Pareene · 02/06/08 01:03PM

Big news on today's View. First: Joy threw a Super Tuesday party and everyone but Elisabeth showed up. Also: Chelsea Clinton personally called all of them (except Elisabeth) to ask that they please vote for her mother. And they all did, and then they talked about it on The View. Even Sherri! Jesus. Did anyone call Tyra? The Daytime Lady Primary wasn't lost with Oprah! [Jezebel]

Apple features Facebook in new iPhone ad

Nicholas Carlson · 02/06/08 12:58PM

Apple just made a million teenagers ask their parents for $500. "If you love Facebook so much," this new Apple iPhone ad begins, "that you check it every time you're at the computer, just think how great it would be every time you're, well, nowhere near your computer." Which is funny. I guess. But we prefer the classic ending, "then why don't you marry it?"

Matt Drudge Just Wants You To Know, Hillary Clinton Coughed Again

Nick Douglas · 02/06/08 01:08AM

The only two videos on Matt Drudge's YouTube account both feature Hillary Clinton having a coughing fit. Weird thing is, he used his account once last May to show her coughing at a commencement speech, then again today to show her hacking it up on TV. While the old video has actual footage, the new one is just a camcorder pointed at the TV, which would be déclassé even when copying last night's Family Guy. Both videos are below, if you share Drudge's Clinton-cough fetish.

MSNBC streaming Super Tuesday coverage online

Jordan Golson · 02/05/08 07:04PM

MSNBC is offering a live Webcast of its Super Tuesday coverage online. Could this be the first time a cable channel has simulcast news coverage on the Web? I've asked MSNBC if that's the case, but the network has yet to get back to me. A live broadcast is significantly more expensive than serving up a cached video, as YouTube does. The only other major live Internet broadcast has been pay-only from Major League Baseball, and that's not a replica of a cable channel. Stuck at your computer? Hit the jump to watch some MSNBC, straight from your desk.

Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Nearly Prevents Elizabeth Hasselbeck's Voice From Being Heard On Super Tuesday

mark · 02/05/08 06:52PM

On this Super Tuesday, there is no Hotter Topic than voting, as we've just been reminded by the right-wing-representing member of The View's daytime political thinktank, Elizabeth Hasselbeck. If you haven't yet been moved to do your civic duty, Hasselbeck's account of how she overcame the unconscionable harassment of ballot-hoarding liberal operatives at her polling place to finally cast her Republican primary vote—out in the open, not behind some shame-concealing curtain!—will certainly encourage you to abandon your cubicle long enough to take part in the democratic process. Let her struggle be your inspiration, America.

Renee Zellweger's 'Vanity Fair' Hitchcock Homage: Emoting Like You've Never Seen Before

Seth Abramovitch · 02/05/08 04:02PM

Our appetites whetted with the release of the upcoming Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue cover featuring ten of today's most desirable starlets in a variety of glamorously uncomfortable poses (sooo much better than last year's shoot featuring four overexposed comedians and some hotly buzzed penguins whose careers quickly nosedived), we delved deeper into's stash of preview goodies. It was there that we discovered Renée Zellweger starring in the most amazing piece of video that we've seen in at least the last twelve hours.

TMZ catches Facebook CEO cheating on girlfriend ... with girlfriend

Nicholas Carlson · 02/05/08 01:38PM

Here's Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and girlfriend Priscilla Chan in all their North Face glamour. TMZ caught the couple leaving L.A. restaurant Mr. Chow. The cameraman accuses Zuckerberg of cheating on his girlfriend. "I think somebody's going to get in trouble," he says. Of course, Chan is Zuck's girlfriend, so the couple seem more amused than worried. But since Zuck's shy, he slips loose of Chan and wanders around a bit until a black car shows up to save the day.