
Anderson Cooper Tired Of Bear Jokes

Ryan Tate · 07/17/08 12:32AM

When dreamboat CNN anchor Anderson Cooper found footage of an adorable younger bear for his show in April, he couldn't get enough of the "cute" and "cuddly" creature. But tonight, after AC360 co-host Erica Hill narrated footage of an older, larger bear, Cooper seemed to get a little grizzly, asking "What is with this program and bears?" Why, only your bread and butter and honey, Anderson! The bedrock of your credibility! What happened to being the "most trusted name in bears?" It's summertime, these guys will be out in force, and there's no going back now. Besides, Hill has a killer merchandising idea, click the thumbnail at left for details. It's only a few more months, that shouldn't be too much to b... well, ya, you get the idea.

Is Barbara Walters Macaulay Culkin's 'Constant'?

Mark Graham · 07/16/08 08:05PM

· The answer is probably no, but that didn't stop Seth Green from stumping Barbara Walters with what will surely go down as one of the slyest Lost resets you'll ever see worked into a talk show appearance. Also? We sincerely hope that someone breaks out the webcam when Elisabeth Hasselbeck gets around to watching Party Monster. That would make for the mother of all YouTube reaction videos. [The View]
· Speaking of former child stars, looks like Family Ties replacement kid Brian Bonsall has fallen on some tough times. [People]
· The Daily Show, whose track record for promoting female talent makes Lorne Michaels look like Helen Gurley Brown, is about to lose what little amount of female talent they have on staff. Emmy winner Rachel Axler, the only female writer they had on staff, will be making her way to the greener pastures of network TV as a writer for that Office spin-off that isn't really a spin-off. [Videogum]
· Character actor extraordinaire Larry Miller walks through some of his most memorable "Hey, It's That Guy" roles with The Onion's A/V Club. [A/V Club]
· I guess we can cross Claire Danes off the list of potential guest stars for the next season of Entourage. After all, we all know how much Johnny Drama hates top talls. [Best Week Ever]

Who Knew? The Top 10 Unlikely Vocal Performances From Non-Singing Actors

Seth Abramovitch · 07/16/08 07:00PM

In light of Pierce Brosnan's brave, warbling turn in Mamma Mia—as well as recent news that Kate Hudson would veer off the Bongo Romcom highway to explore the musical theater side roads in Rob Marshall's Nine—Defamer videologist Molly McAleer has compiled a countdown of 10 Classic Musical Crossover Performances. We've ordered these from least to most successful; some of these actors-who-sing are arguably better singers than they are actors, and have gone on to cut their own records. Some are clearly better actors than singers. And some should probably just give up both and become something sensible like a dental hygienist or insurance broker. We have no doubt you have your own strong opinions on notable omissions; feel free to post video in the comments.

The Spot Where Andy Dick Filled Up On Beer And Wings Before His Teen-Fondling Arrest: Revealed!

Seth Abramovitch · 07/16/08 06:30PM

If you are anything like us, when you first learned of Andy Dick's arrest outside Buffalo Wild Wings in Murrieta early this morning, your first reaction was this: "Buffalo Wild Wings?" followed shortly thereafter by, "Murrieta?" Thankfully, this KCAL report filed from the scene of the alleged teen-fondling crime fills in all the missing pieces. SEE! The depressing cookie-cutter suburban shopping center parking lot! HEAR! The reporter describe Dick as "intoxicated" and having "urinated." THRILL! To the Buffalo Wild Wings patio furniture. We understand a portion of the proceeds from every order of a dozen garlic suicides sold tonight goes to the local Andy Dick Bike-By-Groping Victims' Network.

An Andy Dick Meltdown Medley

Richard Lawson · 07/16/08 02:24PM

In light of Andy Dick's recent unfortunate legal news, we thought we'd take a further look into the mind of the troubled comedian, then watch him get dragged off of a live television show after groping heiress/sorta business lady Ivanka Trump. In the first clip, Dick is talking about comedian Michael Richards' racially-charged on-stage freakout, delving into the thorny and busy psyche of a clown. In the second clip, well, he gets dragged off of the Jimmy Kimmel show after groping Ivanka Trump. Watch, sigh wearily, and, just maybe, learn a little something.

Heath Ledger's Posthumous Oscar Campaign Rolls On

Mark Graham · 07/15/08 08:00PM

· The eldest denizens of the Dark Knight cast, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, made an obligatory promotional stop-off to hobnob with the ladies of The View this morning. And, of course, they used the opportunity to stump for a Heath Ledger Oscar nomination. We'll weigh in tomorrow morning with our own thoughts, as both Seth and STV saw the movie earlier this eve. [The View]
· Woody Allen's longtime producing partner, Charles Joffe, passed away at age 78. [NYT]
· Continuing the moribund nature of tonight's edition of Short Ends, we're sad to report that nearly 150 staffers at the Los Angeles Times, including publisher David Hiller and truth-challenged reporter Chuck Philips, found themselves on the receiving end of a pink slip. [LA Observed]
· Even though we don't know a single person who watches CSI, we're pretty sure that millions of people will be upset to learn that all-around bad-ass William Peterson is leaving the show mid-season. [Michael Ausiello]
· Your Uncle Grambo's dreamgirl extraordinaire, Miss Amanda Bynes, is dating ... Seth MacFarlane??? NOOOOOO! We are so glad this day is over, we're not sure we could take anymore bad news. [ONTD]

The best Google ad ever

Owen Thomas · 07/15/08 04:40PM

The archly dystopian series of Web videos feature 20somethings in L.A. using a wide range of Google's Web products. Google via text message? Customized maps? I bet most of the series' viewers had no idea Google even offered such services. Sure, the horror-film-lite endings won't play well in Larry and Sergey's candy-colored, hyperliteralist utopia. But it's high time Google starts figuring out some way to market itself besides pointing to the exercise balls and free food.

Ethan Hawke's Banana: Todd Barry on Gawker

Richard Lawson · 07/15/08 03:27PM

Comedian Todd Barry makes jokes about Gawker! Specifically, every uppity celebrity's favorite fantasy feature, the Gawker Stalker map. The joke is something about Ethan Hawke and bananas but I got distracted and don't remember it exactly (luckily the audio is above). He also recounts how he asked some fans to inundate our Stalker line, George Clooney style, with hundreds of Barry sightings. He asked that the phrase "easy on the eyes" be used. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.

Hard Newswoman Katie Couric Won't Jump At Meaty A-Rod Exclusive Like Some Dish-Hungry Scoop-Ho

Seth Abramovitch · 07/15/08 02:10PM

At two weeks into your garden variety tabloid scandal, the regular spiel starts to get a little old—yes, yes, we know, that brainwashed third-baseman has been giving the aging pop diva the hot beef injection—and so new angles are required. For example, we have Page Six's item today which claims Madonna has been "loving" the attention, and plans on hitting today's All-Star game at Yankee Stadium. "'She doesn't care about the press it will get - she loves it,' said a spy. 'It just gets her more publicity for her upcoming Sticky and Sweet tour.'" How this spy managed to crack the complex Madonna Motivation code we'll never know—but crack it they did!

The Crankiest Fox Blonde of All

Pareene · 07/15/08 09:50AM

Talk radio superstar Laura Ingraham (the top-rated lady host on the airwaves!) finally got her own television show on Fox News after acting as Bill O'Reilly's official guest-host for 100 years. It lasted for three weeks! In part because she's strenuously unpleasant, as these ten minutes of her preparing for air demonstrate. Once again, Harry Shearer's magical satellite dish captures off-air television gold. Watch as Laura requests that you don't come in her ear and complains of a strange Hispanic gentlemen showing up in her prompter. (Fun fact: she used to date Keith Olbermann like ten years ago!) Clip below. Enjoy.

'Choke' On These Red-Band Trailer Full-Frontal Goodies

Seth Abramovitch · 07/14/08 08:20PM

· Choke's red band trailer suggests the movie successfully captures the spirit of golden era screwball sex-addict comedies. [Choke]
· "Zima or AIDS?" asks this 1994-nostalgia-tinged chart comparing The Wackness to Kids. [Vulture]
· "An Australian woman described as the world's oldest Internet blogger has died at the age of 108 after posting a final message about singing 'a happy song' in her nursing home." [Yahoo]
· Here's the new Radiohead video, which successfully elicits seizures using state-of-the-art 3D motion-capture techniques! [BoingBoing]
· Hot Babes Doing Stuff Naked will inevitably be followed by HBDSN Volumes 2 through 17, none approaching the purity of the original. []

Dina Lohan, Mother Of The Century: 'Hef's Girlfriends Are Very Pretty.'

Molly Friedman · 07/14/08 07:40PM

In the grainy land of reality show famewhoring, sometimes a pair of boobs will come together and a cable miracle is born. And that’s exactly what happened last night when we saw our maternal icon, Dina Lohan, meet our paternal icon, Hugh Hefner. On the latest edition of television’s most reliable guide to parenting, Dina taught us some highly unique strategies in order to effectively downsize your son’s balls, fake your way to the fountain of youth via Me-Time, and prove to your tweenage daughter just how insanely awesome and superior you are by making her choose between “Mr. Hot” and a career in music best left for those with actual talent. The newest lessons learned from Living Lohan, below:

Have You Seen My Magic Frog?

Mark Graham · 07/14/08 06:41PM

Let this evening's installment of Defamer To Do's be a lesson to all of you who complain that Molly McAleer never asks the hard questions in her nightly videos. Her work tonight makes Carl Sagan's work on Cosmos look positively elementary. Enjoy!

Wolf Blitzer Calls David Remnick a Nazi (Kind of)

Pareene · 07/14/08 04:09PM

New Yorker editor David Remnick went on The Situation Room today to answer to Wolf Blitzer about his magazine's ridiculous Obama cover. "There are gonna be a lot of people who aren't going to be sophisticated New Yorker readers," Wolf asserted, "who are going to look at this cover" and assume it is an accurate portrayal of reality. Remnick—typical hate-monger!—says this is condescending. In the attached clip, watch Wolf claim that the cover could've appeared on "a neo-Nazi magazine." Context is meaningless! No one gets anything anymore! Remnick says some crazy thing about being Colbert in Print, but no one gets jokes without studio audiences to explain what is supposed to be funny. (After the jump, in a calmer setting, New Yorker political writer Hendrick Hertzberg holds up the cover and grins. He almost giggles!)

Comedian Brave in the Stretched Faces of Those He Mocks

Richard Lawson · 07/14/08 01:07PM

Joel McHale, host of E!'s talkie blog The Soup, is a courageous fellow. After making fun of Kathie Lee Gifford on this past Friday's show, he nobly appeared during her Today Show segment to talk shop and further shame the irascible Kathie Lee. Watch the video above to see our hero, dreamy as ever, gently refuse to back down in the face of such unmitigated wickedness. Also, what's being discussed here? Crabs or craps? I can't quite tell. Though, I'm not sure it makes any lick of a difference anyway.