
Jon Stewart Recovers From an Inconclusive Super Tuesday

Matt Toder · 03/08/12 12:08AM

Jon Stewart was promised that Super Tuesday would bring an end to this incredibly long Republican primary season, but that didn't come pass. On tonight's Daily Show, Stewart took out his frustrations on the candidates as well as CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Jon Stewart Mocks the Cable News Channels' Election Coverage

Matt Toder · 02/29/12 11:40PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped the inane time-killing methods that the cable news networks, specifically CNN and Fox News, had to employ during last night's coverage of the primaries. The Fox Newsies argued about home state vs. native state and Anderson Cooper took a walk to a gigantic glass cube to get no new information whatsoever. Good times all around.

Some Ideas for Saving Newt Gingrich's Collapsing Florida Campaign

Jim Newell · 01/27/12 01:39PM

God, Newt Gingrich blew it so badly in last night's debate. After lobbying for several days to allow debate audiences to cheer again, and landing Wolf Blitzer, the most destructible sally of a debate moderator in world history, he simply allowed Mitt Romney to take advantage of the crowd and win the debate and couldn't even scream Wolf Blitzer back into his cubby hole of sadness once.

Wolf Blitzer Defends Politicians' Honor in Cute Children's Essay

Jim Newell · 01/11/12 05:15PM

Have you been cracking wise about our cherished field of Republican presidential candidates? Perhaps calling them "assholes" when they do and say horrible things? Let's grow up already. Because stilted CNN misery bot Wolf Blitzer will surely put us in detention if this goes on much longer.

Stephen Colbert Was Very Impressed With His Cable News Colleagues Last Night

Matt Toder · 01/05/12 12:18AM

With such a close race in the Iowa Caucuses last night, the cable news networks had to stay live into the wee hours of the morning. This proved to be a little much for some of them, as Stephen Colbert made clear on tonight's Colbert Report. Fox News' Bret Baier lost his ability to subtract simple sums and CNN's Erin Burnett had a little trouble mastering the network's new "flick" technology. All in all, it really makes a guy miss Tim Russert's trusty white board.

Piers Morgan Doesn't Remember Anything

John Cook · 12/20/11 04:20PM

Bloated starfucker Piers Morgan finally gave his long-awaited testimony before a British commission investigating phone hacking today. While there were no Perry Mason moments trapping Morgan in one of his numerous transparent lies about his tenures at the News of the World and Daily Mirror, he was at least exposed as having a conveniently spotty memory.

TJ Holmes Leaving CNN?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/11 09:41AM

WE HEAR that TJ Holmes, CNN's weekend morning anchor, is leaving the network for a new gig, which should be announced in the near future. Know more? Email me. [Photo via Getty]

Herman Cain Preemptively Denies Having a 13-Year Affair

Jim Newell · 11/28/11 05:15PM

A Fox affiliate in Atlanta plans to run a story tonight about a woman claiming she had a 13-year affair with Herman Cain. How do did we learn about this? Herman Cain just popped up on CNN to warn us. A hot scoop for Herman Cain!

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on His Own Name at GOP Debate

Matt Cherette · 11/22/11 08:32PM

The CNN Republican national security debate is currently underway in Washington, DC. At its onset, moderator Wolf Blitzer invited the candidates to introduce themselves after providing them with a sample: "I'm Wolf Blitzer, and yes, that's my real name." When it was Mitt Romney's turn, the former Massachusetts governor said, "I'm Mitt Romney, and, uh, yes, Wolf, that's also my first name." Except that Romney's first name is actually Willard?

Failing NewsBeast: Everyone Except Tina Brown's Fault

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 02:58PM

In your murky Monday media column: Newsbeast loses two top executives, CNN's "social network for news," News Corp finds one honest place on earth, the public opinion impact of Hackgate, and Mediawire is here.

Mitt Romney Will Physically Explode Any Moment Now

Jim Newell · 10/19/11 01:48PM

So last night: greatest debate ever, right? The vicious babies on stage, God bless , were so busy sniping at each other about who had more Mexicans in their front yards that Anderson Cooper barely had any time to make the cheesy situational jokes that is CNN's calling card. Hoo boy, what a madcap muckfest. Then again, we're kind of worried about Mitt Romney, whose head and a good chunk of his upper torso will soon disappear in a horrific explosion.

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry Go At It in GOP Debate

Max Read · 10/18/11 08:05PM

What's going on with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney? Perry—who more or less slept through his first GOP debates—aggressively jumped on frontrunner Romney in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, earning an enthusiastic response from Romney, who gently touched Perry and attempted to teach the Texas governor the rules. Of the debate. You can smell the testiness! All the drama, and tension, of two coked-up frat brothers arguing about politics at 6 a.m.! And poor Anderson Cooper, the supposed moderator, just sitting there there on the sidelines.

Your Survival Guide for Tonight's Vegas GOP Debate

Jim Newell · 10/18/11 04:38PM

The metropolitan region of Las Vegas, Nevada, has suffered economic collapse more brutal than anywhere following the bursting of the housing bubble. Eighty percent of homeowners are underwater on their mortgages in some parts of the city. It suffers from worse unemployment than any other major metropolitan region in the country. And now, worst of all, the city will have to host a bunch of assholes running for president in tonight's 432nd GOP presidential debate since Labor Day. Who will "win"? The rich guy always wins.