Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 10:30AM
House Candidate Offers $100,000 for Trophy-Hunting Cheerleader's Nudes
Jay Hathaway · 07/10/14 04:18PMAdam Weinstein · 06/26/14 10:23PM
The wealthy congressman moves easily through his South Carolina district, from his plantation home to Kazoobie Kazoos to Larry Toomer of Bluffton to "a heavyset man with a goatee" sipping tequila from a Solo cup. It's not a Flannery O'Connor grotesque. It's the life of cheating hypocrite Mark Sanford.
Louie Gohmert Is Congress' Creepiest Photobomber
Adam Weinstein · 06/26/14 01:30PMEven Fox News Thinks Michele Bachmann Is Crazy
Adam Weinstein · 06/26/14 11:35AMAdam Weinstein · 06/25/14 12:36PM
Even John Boehner Can't Believe What a Dick John Boehner Has to Be Now
Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 11:53AMAdam Weinstein · 06/25/14 09:55AM
Congressional Leaders Grimace Their Way Through "We Shall Overcome"
Allie Jones · 06/24/14 03:45PM
Today the Congressional Gold Medal — "Congress' highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements" — was posthumously awarded to Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Here are John Boehner, Harry Reid, and the gang showing their enthusiastic appreciation during the ceremony: