
Cory Booker Gave CNN Chief's 14-Year-Old Son a Job

Sam Biddle · 08/07/13 10:29AM

Twitter celeb and political parvenu Cory Booker is known for his good friends—good for their influence, good for their money, and good for his future. One way to keep them all nicely on Booker's side? Give one of their teenage children a spot on his startup's board, replete with stock options.

Cory Booker's Spokesman Refuses to Say Whether or Not He's Gay

Max Read · 01/29/13 10:16AM

The world cried out for more words on puppy-rescuing Newark Mayor, New Jersey Senate hopeful and Twitter celebrity Cory Booker, and Buzzfeed has delivered — 5,000 of them, answering the question "Can Cory Booker Keep It Together?" (the answer: Maybe?). Unfortunately, only a handful are devoted the only question anyone really cares about: is he gay? The answer, again, is "maybe?"

Cory Booker Once Fisted a Man's Gunshot Wound

MTanzer · 12/23/12 03:44PM

Here's a picture of Cory Booker reacting to Peggy Noonan on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. This was his expression when he heard her say that video games were to blame for gun violence in America. It's the same look that TV viewers at home have been giving to Peggy Noonan for years. Major props to Cory Booker for putting it out there on national TV.

Cory Booker Makes a Superb Cory Booker and a Terrible Mayor

John Cook · 12/14/12 11:40AM

Let the Booker Backlash begin. Newark Mayor Cory Booker has enjoyed an endless stream of slavishly positive publicity—in the national press, at least—since he first became mayor in 2006. There was the time he rushed into a burning building to save a neighbor. And the time he personally shoveled out constituents' sidewalks after complaints about the city's response to a snowstorm on Twitter. And now, in response to a Twitter challenge, he's pledged to live on food stamps for a week to get a better sense of how the other half lives. The New York Times today takes a look at how he's actually performing as mayor: And it's not so great.

Cory Booker May Have Just Accidentally Announced Plans to Run for New Jersey Governor

Taylor Berman · 12/10/12 08:52PM

Food stamp using and BIG_BOOBS_CARLY retweeting Newark Mayor Cory Booker has been a rumored challenger for incumbent New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for some time now. With the election just under a year away, Booker may have just accidentally announced his intention to run. In a live interview with the Huffington Post, Booker was asked if he would grade Christie's job as governor.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker Continues to Be the Coolest Politician Around

Gawker · 11/01/12 12:02PM

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, who has spent the past several days working to clean up his Hurricane Sandy-damaged city, continues to be the coolest politician around. A lot of people think Barack Obama is cool because he exchanges Christmas cards with Beyoncé and plays basketball. And, relative to the staid, ancient, racist, sexist country club members who tend to populate U.S. politics, that is pretty cool! But as an individual case, President Obama is not cool-he is just not the kind of dusty old asshole we've come to expect from politics. (My colleagues Max Read and Mobutu Sese Seko have done a nice job of explaining this further here.)

Ask the DNC: Is Romney Ready for the Kill List?

John Cook · 09/07/12 11:25AM

As you may have heard last night, Osama bin Laden is dead, has perished from the earth, is at the bottom of the sea, and is not better off than he was four years ago. The Democrats are trying to pull a Bush on national security, inflating Obama's reputation as a killing machine and portraying Mitt Romney as a bungling softie.

A Virtual Party Report from the 'Time 100' Gala

Brian Moylan · 04/27/11 02:50PM

Last night Time magazine had their big fancy shindig for its "100 Most Influential" list and many of the anointed showed up to Jazz at Lincoln Center to be rich, famous, and beautiful together.

Our invitation must have been lost in the mail, but we did send fictional freelancer Betsey Morgenstern to ask everyone some questions. No one responded to her querulous queries, but we have to print something, so here is what she asked everyone.