
eBay tries copying Digg, Craigslist

Nicholas Carlson · 11/20/07 01:52PM

Even more worrisome than eBay's losing $900 million on Skype to Wall Street is the lack of money the auction runner has put into its own site. Financial analysts worry about the site's outdated design and feature set. Enter Best of eBay, a new site with weird little monster icons, Digg-like voting features, and a name ripped straight from Craigslist, the classifieds site in which eBay owns a minority stake. Best of eBay is in beta, which these days just means "don't blame us if it's broken."

Scabby TV Writers Outed By Fake Craigslist Ad!

Maggie · 11/14/07 04:00PM

Matt Elzweig, the New York Press reporter who recently took Deborah Solomon to task for unsavory journalistic methods, placed a fake ad on Craigslist in which he posed as a network executive seeking non-WGA humor writers to work on a weekly series during the strike. The Press rationalized the experiment, which received more than 80 responses, by agreeing amongst themselves that the ad "reeked of bogus intent." "We wanted to meet the scabs," Elzweig explains. Ha! That's exactly the same logic vice squad cops use right before their cases are dismissed. "We wanted to meet the scabs!"

HarperCollins Says You Are "NEEDED RIGHT NOW"

Maggie · 11/13/07 05:10PM

Quick quick! If you respond to this ad in the next two-and-a-half minutes, you might be the lucky one chosen! The task? Hitting the streets to round up food carts for Thursday night's book launch of Michael Franzini's "One Hundred Young Americans," out a couple of weeks ago from HarperCollins, our favorite company that is currently being sued for $100-mil by Judith Regan.

Craigslist Abounds With Exciting, Strike-Related Opportunities

seth · 11/09/07 03:56PM

What better way to celebrate Day 5 of the writers strike than by trawling Craigslist—the one place you can find a couch, a job, and a lunchtime quickie within minutes—to see what kinds of opportunities might have arisen from the wreckage:
· Studio executives who failed to get the stockpiling memo: It's not too late. Listing "We Are Saling Our Scripts!" informs deep-pocketed buyers that, "We are saling our scripts to anyone who's willing to purchase at a reasonable price." Bai now before they're all snapped up! [CL]
· The only place you're likely to find more scabs is on Steve O's body. [CL, CL, CL, CL]
· Attempts at humor can be lost entirely on Craigslist's sometimes gullible user base: "RE: SUPPORT THE WRITTERS GIULD...This person states that they are a 'writter', cant even spell his chosen profession! maybe this person is rushing out to get into the strike lines that they just cant be bothered with clicking the spell check button. here are some of the other misspelled words, 'giuld' 'toleraded'" [CL]

Sexually Frustrated Ladies In NYC, Needs You

Maggie · 11/07/07 05:25PM

We are all born out of an orgasm," cries in their Craigslist ad seeking "sexually frustrated women of all ages" for their documentary series, "Sex-Ed." True! Also, a little franker than we really prefer before lunch when the subject is our own conception, but never you mind! If you've had difficulty achieving orgasm or never have and you live in the New York City area, is happy to give you a reacharound, so long as you let them film it—for free, natch. What's in it for you besides your 15 minutes, which surely, you will live to regret?

Shunned By 'Trek,' William Shatner Not Without Craigslist-Based Options

seth · 10/29/07 03:14PM

Apparently, we weren't the only ones shocked and saddened to learn that William Shatner's erratic speech patterns and considerable Klingon wrestling experience would not be put to use in the next Star Trek movie. (Some turk named Chris Pine would be playing young Kirk in JJ Abrams' Muppet Babies-esque take on the series.) In Hollywood, however, when one transporter pod closes, another often opens; we're thrilled, then, to direct Mr. Shatner to the following Craigslist casting opportunity for an upcoming major motion picture, tailored to his specific strengths:

seth · 10/26/07 01:38PM

You: A fellow contestant with me over three years ago on that Jaywalking ripoff game show Street Smarts. Me: Totally hot for you, but had a girlfriend at the time. We: Totally meant for each other! Remember when we both agreed that 17-year-old chick wouldn't be able to name Bill Clinton's daughter? And we were both right? That was the moment I just knew. [Craigslist]

Help A Craigslister Land Some A-List Talent, Earn Yourself $25,000

mark · 10/25/07 07:45PM

Even if you're not plugged in enough to reach the A-list talent you'd love to attach to your passion project, Craigslist's virtual casting office always offers hope to those who aren't afraid to dream big: after all, you never know when a well-connected agent, manager, or producer will accidentally stumble across your ad while searching for someone to grant their own seemingly crazy wishes. And if you have tens of thousands of dollars to help motivate your potential middlemen to lend a hand, all the better:

Maggie · 10/25/07 12:45PM

"Top NYC-based publicist looking for a new intern... Laptop required! It would also be a major plus to be a fast typer and thinker, and to be very familiar with Word, Excel, and other office programs (i.e. Entourage). Major plus to be a PR, marketing or advertising major! Compensation is either college credit and exposure, compensation for some expenses." Oh it's so adorable when employers tout "exposure" as a significant job perk. [Craigslist]

Maggie · 10/23/07 03:40PM

"I'm a reporter with The Associated Press looking to speak with Britney Spears' fans about her new single and forthcoming record. Let's talk Britney!" Good work, pal. [Craigslist]

The Search Begins For Hollywood's Next Top P.R. Assistant

mark · 10/17/07 05:21PM

As part of our ongoing mission to connect our readers with exciting opportunities to wear kicky headsets, hold a clipboard, and stand at the entrance of Les Deux, ready to stun-gun the first uninvited star of Sunset Tan who tries to breach the last line of defense at a Sidekick launch party, we are happy to pass along this Craigslist ad seeking an amazing mulititasker willing to sacrifice her life for a chance to learn the dark Hollywood-publicity arts. A warning before you begin reading: don't even THINK about applying if you don't have the energy level a coked-up TGI Friday's hostess and the steely nerves of a fifteen-year bomb squad veteran:

Scripps dumps newspapers and broadcast TV

Nicholas Carlson · 10/16/07 10:49AM

Scripps, the cable-TV, newspaper, and Web conglomerate, will split into two publicly traded companies, its board announced today. Scripps Networks Interactive gets the growing cable-TV channels, including HGTV, and all the Internet properties. E. W. Scripps gets stuck with 10 broadcast television stations and newspapers in 17 U.S. markets. The lucky Kenneth Lowe, Scripps' current CEO, will keep running Scripps Networks. And in the worst loss ever recorded for a rock-paper-scissors game, Richard Boehne gets to helm the company slated to be destroyed by YouTube and Craigslist. (Photo by neurmadic aesthetic)

A Craigslist posting from an enterprising young founder

Megan McCarthy · 10/09/07 12:46PM

FROM THE DESK OF MEGAN MCCARTHY — So, there's a Craigslist ad making the rounds, penned by a golddigging New Yorker looking for tips on how to wed a rich man. In Silicon Valley, of course, things are a bit different. Below is the same missive as if it were written by a local.

Does 'Newsweek' Pay Its Exec Assistants $80K?

Maggie · 10/09/07 12:20PM

A mysterious "World Famous Magazine" is looking for an executive assistant for an unnamed "special correspondent," so sayeth The List of Craig. Candidates should apply through Forrest Solutions, a recruiting firm which has repped the likes of Random House, Time Warner, and—oh! Newsweek! Funny that. This is no Conde Nast job; they're actually putting up a decent salary, to the tune of $80K. Unfortunately, there is a catch: Criminal records will be checked, so all you would-be Peter Braunsteins out there need not apply.