
China Knife Attacks Now a Group Activity

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 09:16AM

China has given the world many great trends, like Super-Long Walls and Mixing Things With Noodles. But this whole "Attack a School With Knives For No Apparent Reason" trend is...not your best work, China. Nevertheless, it grows ever more popular.

Texas Teacher Totally Whomps Some Little Kid

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 02:01PM

Houston charter school teacher Sheri Lynn Davis is under investigation after this crazy video of her beating a student surfaced this week. The investigation will find that she is crazily insane. And that charter schools are the future! Video below.

When to Say Something: A Practical Guide

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/10 03:10PM

The authorities instruct: If You See Something, Say Something. That's how they found the car bomb, you know! Of course, this is hardly practical. You see something every day in New York. When to actually say something? A guide, below.

The (Potential) Intern From Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 11:08AM

Every season, at every company, there has to be that one terrible intern. Usually they just fall asleep at work, or show up drunk. Allow us to introduce you to one intern candidate who sounds much, much worse.