
Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/14 03:16PM

At least nine women in Tennessee have been arrested under a harsh new law against drug use by pregnant women that "handcuffs new mothers upon delivery."

Mexican Farmworkers Treated Worse Than Sharecroppers 

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/14 12:10PM

For several days, the Los Angeles Times has been running an excellent series on the exploitation of farm workers in Mexico. Here is a bit of information on how the people who grow the produce you buy at Walmart are treated.

Rikers Guard Who Allegedly Allowed Inmate to "Bake to Death" Arrested

Andy Cush · 12/08/14 05:58PM

Carol Lackner, the Rikers Island prison guard who reportedly left her post as James Murdough died of hyperthermia in February, was arrested and charged with lying about the incident today, the New York Daily News reports. Murdough, who was homeless and suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, "basically baked to death" in his 101-degree-cell, officials told the Associated Press at the time.

Darren Wilson Finally Resigns from Ferguson P.D.

Tom Scocca · 11/29/14 06:43PM

Darren Wilson has reportedly announced his resignation from the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, issuing a letter in which he writes that "my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow."