
Another Day, Another Fake David Cross

Jessica · 11/11/05 09:06AM

We're continuing our search for the Fake David Cross, a downtown charlatan known to dupe less-than-intelligent folks into thinking he's the Arrested Development actor so as to score free drinks and easy women. We had a possible suspect yesterday but, as it turns out, he's just one of the owners of Beauty Bar, meaning that Fake David is still at large. Someone has suggested that this man (sorry, dude, whoever you are) might be the guilty party, but considering his MySpace profile says he's in Philly, we're not buying it.

Could This Be the Fake David Cross?

Jessica · 11/10/05 01:15PM

When we're not too preoccupied with our manhunt for alleged rapist Peter Braunstein, rest assured that we're devoting our remaining energy to uncovering the wicked doppelganger to Arrested Development actor David Cross, who uses his genetic fortune to woo ladies back to his evil boudoir. The fellow at right, according to The Apiary, was recently seen accepting free drinks from patrons of Down the Hatch, all of whom believed he was David Cross. Don't be fooled by the tattoo: While the imposter does bear ink on the proper arm, it's certainly not of a "miling pig standing upright and serving you his own ribs straight from his open chest." This man is most certainly NOT our fair David.

Further Clarification on Real David Cross vs. Fake David Cross

Jessica · 11/07/05 10:25AM

On Friday, a reader sent a picture of himself with David Cross, the actor and comedian who has lately been the victim of an imposter, a depraved doppelganger who reportedly cruises lower Manhattan claiming to be the Arrested Development actor in an effort to get laid.

Gawker's Week in Review: Anna Wintour Doesn't Look a Day Over 55

Jessica · 11/04/05 05:00PM

• Anna Wintour celebrates her 56th year of making you feel fat and unfashionable!
• Big fun at Wenner Media: Because if you want something done properly, you do it yourself, Jann crowns himself EIC of Men's Journal while simultaneously killing off an upcoming celebrity title. But? At least the man gives his slaves flu shots.
• You may think avian flu is frightening, but the possibility of an inter-media flu is absolutely devastating. At least Wenner's safe.
• Comedian David Cross addresses the matter of his nasty doppelganger while also giving you handy tips for discerning the Real David from the Fake David.
Page Six plans a weekly insert mag, full of Top 10 lists and other magazine-y type intellectualism.
• Gawker Media's attempt at sporty masculinity, Deadspin, breaks some real news, and perhaps ESPN's heart.
• CNN reshapes its lineup and puts Anderson Cooper at the top of the heap (right where he belongs). Sadly, lead anchor Aaron Brown is now collecting unemployment.
• We really just don't know what the hell is going on with Judy Miller. If she goes, there will be trouble, but if she stays? It will be double. Meanwhile, Andrew Hearst reminds us that, no matter how bad Judy may seem, a sense of humor and some finesse with Quark goes a long way.

Short Ends: Paris Goes Incognito

mark · 08/18/05 07:00PM

· Is Snoop kidnapping Pee Wee football players? We hear drug testing in his league is pretty lax.
· The LA Weekly's Nikki Finke sounds the death knell for movie advertising in the "newsosaurs," claiming that studios think the audiences of the LA Times, NY Times, and their ink-on-paper ilk aren't worth the huge ads that clog their entertainment sections. We hope this frees up promotional budgets for more skywriting. We love skywriting.
· Please, whatever you do, don't look here if you ever, ever want to experience sexual desire again.
· Find out what role KFC played in the loss of John Leguizamo's virginity, or learn about David Cross's fond memories of Times Square.
· Paris Hilton has started wearing a disguise to slow mobs of fans. Just try and think of a punchline that doesn't involve a pair of Groucho glasses and her vagina, we dare you.

David Cross as You've Never Seen Him Before

Jessica · 08/15/05 08:44AM

With a full head of hair.

[As you may realize, this is not the image we originally had here. For reasons not worth getting into, we've decided to remove the original picture, from Cross's college days. Here's a tip, though: If you don't want things appearing on Gawker, don't send them to us. Crazy concept, we know.]

Short Ends: A Flash Of Sidekick Genius

mark · 02/25/05 06:53PM

· Liquid Generation fills up Paris Hilton's Sidekick better than she could ever hope to. Peruse Hilton's address book, watch her bi-curious phonecam videos, and IM her celeb buddy list. If only this kind of ingenuity could be put to some more noble purpose, like inventing a Flash game that erases all memory of Fred Durst screwing.
· The prophetic Fred Durst, blogging back in November: "well people, hackers, gotta love them and gotta despise them. it's the territory where we are all put in a position to be victims. kind of fun and dangerous at the same time. so don't be so gullible." Gullible, like believing that the clear, huge sex video was somehow stored in a Sidekick, which, incidentally, has no video camera?
· David Cross is keeping busy while Arrested Development dangles by the thinnest of threads. [via goldenfiddle]
· CZJ's stalker: the "no contest" kind of crazy.