
RuPaul's Drag Race: Old Man Drag Is the Most Dangerous Kind

Richard Lawson · 03/30/10 12:51PM

On last night's slightly depressing episode of America's favorite gay flea market, the girls were tasked with their most difficult challenge yet: making old people look somehow like normal, likable humans. It was a doozy!

Gossip Girl: Fashion Is a Drug

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 03/30/10 11:44AM

This week's episode saw a fancy fashion show, a drugged young thing in serious need of help, a couple struggling to get out of their rut and back into the groove, and lots and lots of hookers.

Napoleon Dynamite Has Eaten His Last Tater Tot

Richard Lawson · 03/30/10 09:20AM

Well, at least Jon Heder will no longer be on a TV show. Also today: new pilot roles from an old friend in the military and that stoner guy, a zombie series gets our hearts aflutter, and theater news.

Which Actor Stops Work on the Set So He Can Do Coke?

Brian Moylan · 03/30/10 09:09AM

Between the blow and the internet, he spends all his time in a trailer alone. This star is trying to help a parent out of addiction. This last actress is only addicted to vanity, a difficult vice to kick.

The Blossom Kids Are Doing All Right

Richard Lawson · 03/29/10 03:05PM

Two of that show's stars are tromping back onto television. Also today: a biopic gets a benefactor, Madonna makes a bad life choice, and aieee!!! Godzilla!!!

We Will Never Give Up on the '80s

Richard Lawson · 03/29/10 09:42AM

This weekend dragons scorched the earth, Alice fell even further down that money-lined rabbit hole, and a '10s comedy about the '80s did some pretty rad business.

Which Celebrity Couple Staged a Break Up for the Publicity?

Brian Moylan · 03/29/10 09:23AM

And what bad timing, because now Sandra Bullock is getting all the ink. This singer is sleeping around, a boy bander is a drunk, and a male crooner is trying to hide the plastic surgery scars. It's not a ruse!

Lost Finale Revealed: ABC Gets Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/10 08:31AM

Lost: the television show enjoyed by many hopeless fanatics such as yourself. Just how much is your slavish, unquestioning devotion to everything associated with this fairy tale worth to corporate America's advertisers? A lot.

Battlefield Earth Screenwriter Apologizes for 'Suckiest Movie Ever'

Max Read · 03/28/10 11:19AM

Visiting the Hollywood Scientology Celebrity Center, J.D. Shapiro just wanted to meet girls. Instead, he wound up writing Battlefield Earth. After winning the "Worst Picture of the Decade" Razzie, Shapiro is apologizing. He blames it all on his penis.

Project Runway: All That's Fit and Print

Brian Moylan · 03/26/10 01:01PM

Project Runway is all about vision and delusion. The vision to have contestants design textiles. The delusion they'll do it well. The vision to encourage the judges to be bitchy. The delusion they'll send the right person home.

Tracy Morgan: Dramatic Actor?

Richard Lawson · 03/26/10 09:16AM

Maybe! He's just joined the cast of a serious movie. Also today: Is Kate Hudson the most original actress in Hollywood? Do you like zombies as much as I do? And is there a right way to say the word "Cannes"?