
Nevada GOP Primary Could Save Harry Reid's Career

Jim Newell · 06/08/10 06:04PM

Everyone loves to hate Sen. Harry Reid, and it had looked for a while like this year's reelection bid would do him in. But with Republicans likely nominating a wacky Tea Party-er in today's primary, old Harry may survive!

Tea Party Succeeds In Killing an American Tradition

Jeff Neumann · 06/06/10 10:57PM

Remember the nationwide grassroots uprising that miraculously sprung up at town hall meetings last summer? People were furious about health care reform! Well, all of that yelling did accomplish something—the end of civil debate on the campaign trail.

Newt Gingrich is Equally Afraid of 'The Left' and Terrorists

Jeff Neumann · 05/20/10 07:13AM

In plugging his new book, the former GOP Speaker of the House writes that leftists have infiltrated nearly all facets of society with their brand of "secular-socialism," and they will destroy America faster than you can say firecracker jihadist.

The GOP Will Fight for Downtrodden Wall Street

Jeff Neumann · 04/26/10 06:37AM

Later today, Senate Democrats are expected to push a vote on a financial regulation bill that limits how easily Wall Street firms can play shell games with taxpayer money. Republicans are bitching and moaning and threatening to block it. [Politico]

Conservative Pundits Have a Napoleon Complex

Jeff Neumann · 03/23/10 05:14AM

The socialist Obamacare bill has conservative columnists scrambling for any lame historical analogy they can scrap together. But the hottest one, Napoleon's Waterloo, is being used for the commies and the God-fearing patriots. Straighten this out guys, it's getting confusing!