
Marc Jacobs Goes To Gym, Then Does Whatever

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/08 10:15AM

Marc Jacobs: former addict turned narcissistic gym-goer. That's the takeaway from GQ's new profile of the ubiquitous fashion designer, and perhaps that's exactly what one should expect. He's really good friends with his personal trainer! He has a tattoo of SpongeBob! He had a bad childhood! But now he's fabulous and not on drugs and working out at the David Barton Gym for hours before peacocking around town! The real lesson here is that if you write about fashion designers like Marc Jacobs, you're working with a limited palette from the start. But we'll fill you in on the specifics—including his mom's bad taste, his own self-loathing, and his friendship with "Easy," after the jump.

'WHO KILLED OBAMA?' Asks Sweatshirt

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/08 03:55PM

Designer Doron Braunshtein, a.k.a. Apollo Braun, expresses his interest in matters political with his newest work of sweatshirt-related art. And you can too, for the low price of $129! Braunshtein, who describes himself as "very punk rock," says his message is one of love, not of assassination [NY Press]. Though he worries, "Could you imagine if Obama were killed? They might blame me. Then I'd be taken to jail and have to have prison sex." Let's all hope no such thing comes to pass! To be fair, this sweatshirt fits with a certain ongoing theme, as this picture of Braunshtein's last big t-shirt design ($250) attests:

Choire · 11/13/07 02:21PM

They done moved the Project Runway contestant housing! They will now be at 520 West 43rd Street. [NYO]

Who's The Rehabbing Designer With The Model Connection?

Choire · 11/01/07 10:50AM

Today's Page Six asks: "WHICH designer who's gone 'round and 'round the revolving rehab door gets his fix from a model—who's been in rehab herself, though for a different problem?" Um, we spent like an hour working on a poll for this but all the answers had poor Marc Jacobs in them so we didn't bother? (Despite this AP photo from the other night, and despite the coverline of this 2002 issue of Women's Day ("Tragic Linda Evangelista In Rehab"), we're pretty sure the god-like Linda Evangelista never actually did.) So?

Make my logo bigger cream

Nick Douglas · 10/30/07 08:05PM

The upsides of being a designer are many* but the downside is living in a world full of non-designers. Some of these people will become your clients, and they will always want a bigger logo, less white space, and other vulgarities. Laugh at them, not with them, by watching the parodic ad for Make My Logo Bigger Cream.

Bubbleborn: Didier Hilhorst and

ndouglas · 04/26/06 09:35PM

It's infiltrated the real world! Dot-com mania enters meatspace with the launch of, Didier Hilhorst's service that promises to accessorize you for Web 2.0. Didier and a Milan designer will make little tidbits — gee, I hope there's some RFID involved — and, one presumes, either sell them or give them away and charge for tech support. Didier moves to the Valley this fall to work at IDEO Labs, a locally based professional crazy-tidbit-maker.