
The Gawker Policy on Anonymous Sources

Pareene · 06/02/05 12:34PM

As some people have already noted, the Deep Throat story has returned to the public eye just as the media engaged in a debate over the use of anonymous sourcing. Outlets like the New York Times and Newsweek have received a great deal of criticism recently over the quality of their reporting, and have announced very public plans to revamp their sourcing policies. We here at Gawker have thought long and hard about these issues as well — as a shining beacon of integrity and trustworthiness, the last bastion of true objective journalism in the forest of opinionated "bloggers" and shouting partisans, we know we have a responsibility to our readership, who depend on us for solid, unimpeachable reporting from credible sources. To preserve that fragile trust, we give you the Gawker Policy on Anonymous Sources:

Short Ends: Strippers Make Fine Character Witnesses For Slater

mark · 06/01/05 07:44PM

· ; Four out of five Scores strippers agree: Christian Slater's a gentleman! "'It's difficult for some men to remain calm when I take off my gown and reveal my 36Ds,' Scores stripper Logan confided to PAGE SIX, 'but Christian always remains cool — he has never attempted to touch me inappropriately.'" Also: Gawker retraces Slater's pre-ass-grabbing steps.
· Paris and Paris might not have a Kabbalah wedding (shocker!), but we're sure they'll still be plenty of trendy assholes who think they're immortal to go around.
· The MPAA does what it can to help the LAPD usher in the Big Brother state. [via Cinemocracy]
· No one could've seen this coming: Judge Issues Warrant for Bobby Brown

To Do: Dick, Blow-Up Dolls, MJM

mark · 06/01/05 05:00PM

Note: In an effort to better serve you, the person who makes plans at the last minute, we're going to try and post our To Do list earlier in the day. The appearance of this post at 3 pm or earlier isn't signalling that we're kicking off work early, so don't close that browser just yet—there are still more man-hours to waste.

Message From The Mothership: Gawker Media Births Oddjack

mark · 06/01/05 12:43PM

Semi-evil blog magnate Nick Denton's placenta has once again fallen to the floor of the mothership, and Gawker Media's 13th blog has been yanked from between his life-giving thighs. They call it Oddjack, and it's obsessed with gambling and everything gambling-related (like placing odds on the likelihood that Paris Hilton will soon procreate). Head on over there and make the new kid feel like the next year of his life won't be filled with lashings from the boss's cat o'nine tails.

Gawker Media Launches Oddjack

Jessica · 06/01/05 12:37PM

Much like any family-friendly company, Gawker Media prides itself on vice. We've covered porn and gossip, but our lawyers are getting tired with the boring old libel and obscenity suits. It's time for some real trouble, like gambling!

Short Ends: Brooke Shields Takes No Guff From Cruise

mark · 05/31/05 07:00PM

· At the KROQ Weenie Roast, comedian Brody Stevens catches Pat O'Brien—listening to music and putting on a sweater!
· If you bonged your way through this television season's final episodes, SMRT-TV's got your short-term memory's back with their handy chart of cliffhangers. Hold on, someone died on Desperate Housewives? That must've been awesome.
· Brooke Shields to Tom Cruise: I don't come down to your job and slap the e-meter out of your mouth, so why you gotta hate? Also: Someone we've never heard of uses her "female intuition" to surmise that some "very damaging information" about Cruise might be surfacing soon.
· ABC expects to sell over $2 billion in upfront ads; NBC's Jeff Zucker will reveal tomorrow that he traded 30 seconds of commercial time during Joey for a handjob that was like "pulling weeds."

To Do: Dancing About Architecture, Swilling Wine, Hearing Music

mark · 05/31/05 06:30PM

· Daniel Libeskind, big-shot architect and designer of the new World Trade Center complex, will chat about his work, his life, and, perhaps, his favorite Prince album (anything can happen at these things) at the Disney Concert Hall downtown. It's not cheap (tickets are $45-$90), but chances are if you're the type to attend an architecture chat, you've got the funds.
· By now the entire wine industry is tired of all the Sideways jokes (if not the increased sales), so if you check out tonight's Tuesday Tasting Series at the Buffalo Club in Santa Monica, please, none of that "I'm not drinking any fucking merlot!" stuff. Oh, who are we kidding? You're going to do it anyway.
· Music happens: The Headphones (featuring Dave Bazan of the better-known Pedro the Lion—better known to us, anyway) at the Troubadour; PINE*am (pretentious asterisk theirs) at Amoeba (for free, naturally); Radio Vago at Spaceland.

The Spider Club: Celebrity Menagerie

mark · 05/31/05 02:03PM

While the unwashed masses piled into automobiles and legroom-bereft economy airline seats to escape our fair city for the holiday weekend, the industry's distressingly thin stall-monkeys, untalented, less attractive younger sisters, and semifamous, vaguely ethnic television gardeners assembled at the usual spot for the usual night of unremarkable fame-related stuff:

Advertisers Hug Kittens, Never Drown Them

mark · 05/27/05 02:56PM

Join us in clinching this week's sponsors with a grateful, one-arm man-hug, for they are like the rainbows that we spend all day trying to capture in a marmalade jar. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and make your product or service the sexiest strumpet in the brothel, see this page.

Taking The L.I.R.R. To H.E.L.L.

Jessica · 05/27/05 11:08AM

In the beginning, Memorial Day was about honoring those who had given their lives to our country, proudly defending our flag, our freedom, and our right to read Howard Zinn. Nowadays, it's about big sofa sales and, more importantly, the Hamptons. (Sorry, let us rephrase: THE HAMPTONS!!!!)

Advertiser Beach Party

Jessica · 05/27/05 07:28AM

Thanks to this week's sponsors, whose blood money paid for our weekend share — we had to pay extra, but we scored a great sleeping spot on the floor! Interested in joining the clique? More info here.

Short Ends: Casablanca Speaks! In English! Well, Almost!

mark · 05/26/05 07:18PM

· "I sleep great. No regrets. Never. Blind items are fucking fun, dude, get with it. I would be happy to write a blind on a blind. Got one?" The Black Table straps down humpy E! gossip-pharaoh Ted Casablanca and forces him to answer their "Rock and a Hard Place" questions. A must-read.
· Radar uncovers Disney's secret, unauthorized cast member videos. You'll never pretend to beat a dude in a squirrel costume to death the same way again!
· Burt Reynolds' past is just as slap-happy as his present.
· Michael Bay wasn't too thrilled that DreamWorks made him show 45 minutes of The Island to the press. And now that we've written about this screening twice, where's our fucking free Pumas?

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Dustin Hoffman, Loud Focker

mark · 05/26/05 02:50PM

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that Jay Leno looks like one of those toy Happy Meal cars piloted by Mayor McCheese when he tools around town in his high-priced jalopies.

To Do: Lisas, Tan, Chain

mark · 05/25/05 06:49PM

· Writer/director Lisa Cholodenko (Laurel Canyon, Six Feet Under, The L Word) and artist Lisa Yuskavage will chat for a bit at tonight's latest Hammer Conversations event, then spend the rest of the evening fighting over who gets to answer audience questions directed to "Lisa."
· Author, rock star, and collector of small dogs Amy Tan will hold forth on all things Amy Tan at the Distinguished Speaker Series at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.
· Music: Red Onions at the Smell; Goldie Lookin Chain at The Troubadour; CunninLynguists (groan) at the Knitting Factory.

Short Ends: Do Not Pet The Cruise

mark · 05/24/05 07:39PM

· We really hate doing this, but if we don't slap Page Six's wrist once in a while, they'll keep touching us in the naughty place without leaving five bucks on the nightstand: Where do you suppose the Sixies heard about the Patrick Whitesell wedding? At least sign our name to the card if you send them some napkin holders.
· By now you've certainly seen this (we didn't want to post an animated GIF and get blamed for anyone's seizures), but just in case: Do no attempt to pet the Cruise [via goldenfiddle]
· Dear Peter Mehlman: Crash was awful. Those people who talked through the whole movie did you a favor. Send them a fruitbasket. [via LAObserved]
·Hollywood Interrupted's Mark Ebner unearths the Norah Jones-Charlie Brown connection.

To Do: Dears, Res, Chuck

mark · 05/24/05 06:39PM

· Tuesday night music round-up: The Dears play the El Rey, then will be coptered to Cinespace for an after-party/CD release soiree; Le Rev at the Silverlake Lounge; Caribou at Spaceland.
· RES throws its monthly party/premiere/screening showcasing new music videos, short films and other visual arts goodness at the Egyptian. DJ Peanut Butter Wolf will be throwing down at the after-party.
· Writer Chuck "Fight Club, Numerous Other Best Sellers" Palahniuck will scribble signatures in his latest book, Haunted, at Borders in Santa Monica. We know of no after-party tied to this event.