
Watch All of Bill Clinton's Ad-Libs From Last Night

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/27/16 03:50PM

PHILADELPHIA — Bill Clinton is a brilliant speaker, and more often than not it’s completely off-the-cuff, prepared remarks be damned. In fact, the DNC media team was unable to distribute an advanced copy of his speech, as it does for many of the speakers, because he was reportedly working on it up until he delivered it. And even then, he ad-libbed most of his remarks.

Desperate-For-Attention Trump Is The Only Authentic Trump

Ashley Feinberg · 07/27/16 02:21PM

Donald Trump is an attention-hungry, inauthentic charlatan driven almost entirely by an insatiable appetite for fame and, if he can swing it, fortune. So to treat Donald Trump as if he’s trying to convey any actual message is to miss the point of him entirely. Donald Trump’s only message is that Donald Trump exists.

Fusion Staffers Barred From Eating ABC News Snacks At DNC

Alex Pareene · 07/27/16 12:55PM

PHILADELPHIA — Three sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared professional repercussions, have told Gawker that ABC News is not allowing Fusion staffers attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week to eat the free snacks in the ABC News tent.

The Bernie DNC Walkout Was a Masterful Bit of Media Manipulation

Andy Cush · 07/26/16 08:42PM

As I sat down in the media tent across from the Wells Fargo Center to write this post, there were 40 or so Bernie Sanders delegates and other supporters in here with me, milling around and talking to the press, and a couple hundred more just outside. They had just staged a walkout from the Democratic National Convention, when Hillary Clinton was formally named the party’s nominee, and made their way here to demonstrate. But if you’ve been following the news from the DNC, you probably don’t need me to tell you that.

Liveblogging Bill Clinton's Inevitable DNC Fuckup

Kelly Stout · 07/26/16 07:49PM

PHILADELPHIA — As the prophets foretold, a generation born under the first Clinton presidency would grow to know many misfortunes: A recession, lots of Dick Cheney airtime during its formative years, and “Gilmore Girls.” This generation, the fates dictated, would rise up in pained chorus against that misfortune to be super whiny about the idea of a second Clinton presidency. When it finally came time for a woman in office, those prophets sang from the heavens that, the women of this Cursed Generation would claim they “do not even see gender.”

Watch Bernie Sanders's Delegate Brother Larry Sanders Emotionally Cast His Floor Vote For Bernie

Alex Pareene · 07/26/16 05:27PM

Larry Sanders is a Green Party politician in the UK, and a delegate with the Democrats Abroad delegation here at the DNC in Philadelphia. He’s also Bernie Sanders’s older brother. A few minutes ago, during the roll call of states, the delegation allowed him to personally deliver his vote to his little brother, which he did, after brief, emotional remarks about their parents, and how immensely proud they’d be. It was a nice moment.

California's Rowdy Bernie Crowd Might Get Loud Again Tonight 

Andy Cush · 07/26/16 04:43PM

Bernie-supporting delegates were out in full force during the Democratic National Convention speeches last night. Over the telecast, it was easy to hear boos and chants of “we can’t trust her” during pro-Hillary speeches. I wasn’t on the floor, but I’d heard that a small crowd of California delegates were delivering the loudest jeers. Bernie was even booed by a crowd of his own California supporters when he urged them to back Hillary. This afternoon, a few delegates from the state said they might deliver a similar protest tonight.

Finally, a Totally Original Trump Burn

Ashley Feinberg · 07/26/16 04:13PM

PHILADELPHIA — Earlier today, the DNC’S Rural Council met to discuss the impact of Democratic policies on our country’s farmers and, more importantly, to brutally own noted city boy Donald Trump.

The Philadelphia Pokémon Situation Is Hell

Ashley Feinberg · 07/26/16 12:05PM

PHILADELPHIA — Thus far, the Democratic National Convention has been many things: scorching, plagued by scandal, a logistical nightmare. But now, after just over 24 hours in Philly, I can add one more thing to this ever-growing list: An willful affront to Pokémon Go players everywhere.

Celebrities Love the DNC, and the DNC Loves Them Right Back

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/26/16 11:33AM

PHILADELPHIA — On the second night of the Republican National Convention, actor Scott Baio took the stage. These days, the once-ubiquitous Baio may enjoy some relative anonymity, but he was still the highest-wattage star the RNC could cajole on-air, and even that was a depressing accident—Baio later told reporters he was offhandedly invited after bumping into Donald Trump at an event. The DNC, which rolled into Philly on Monday with more celebrities than it knows what do to with, does not have this problem.

Angry Bernie Bros Aren't Going to Usher In The Donald Trump Regime

Andy Cush · 07/26/16 10:40AM

PHILADELPHIA—It was hot yesterday, and across the street from the Wells Fargo Center, where hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters had congregated to protest the Democratic National Convention happening inside, one could hear occasional horns and chanted slogans: “Bernie beats Trump,” “Bigots go home,” “Hell no, DNC/We won’t vote for Hillary.” One demonstrator’s sign depicted “Hillary Klingon, the neocon war candidate,” complete with photoshopped forehead ridges, and another had the phrase “BETRAYED US” scrawled under Sanders’s name, in reference to a speech he’d given in support of Clinton earlier in the day. We were not, in other words, in Clintonland.

Who Invited Demi Lovato?

Ashley Feinberg · 07/25/16 07:12PM

PHILADELPHIA — It’s the first night of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and the Wells Fargo Center is about to be filled with the words of such great speakers as Senator Bernie Sanders, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Senator Elizabeth Warren. But first—Demi Lovato.

Here's All the Free Shit Journalists Get at the DNC

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/25/16 12:50PM

PHILADELPHIA — Welcome to the city of brotherly love; the land of the free and the home of the swag. Here’s all the junk journalists get upon checking in to the convention.