Man Barks at K-9 Officer at DUI Checkpoint, Gets Arrested
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/29/13 01:30PMProminent Marijuana Activist Killed by Drunk Driver
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/04/13 09:05PMDrunk Driver Who Hit Pole And Injured Passenger Can Sue Power Company
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/09/13 11:21AMDrunk Driver Crashes Car During Road Sex, Ditches Naked Partner
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/29/13 12:46PMDr. Unk Accused of Striking Cyclist While Driving Drunk
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/20/13 05:39PMDUI Arrestee Was Celebrating Getting License Back After Earlier DUI
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/04/13 04:20PMReese Witherspoon Arrested, Shouts 'Do You Know My Name?' at Police
Taylor Berman · 04/21/13 06:15PM
Drunk driving is, generally speaking, a bad idea, even if you're, say, the husband of a wealthy movie star. A worse idea? Deciding to drunkenly berate the police officers arresting your husband, especially if you're the famous movie star wife of the person getting arrested. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this is just what Reese Witherspoon did early Friday morning, a decision that resulted in her arrest.
Drunk, Naked Fisherman Paddles Across Croc-Infested River on a Log to Win Bet for Whiskey: 'It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time' (NSFW)
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/05/13 01:45PMThis Video Perfectly Illustrates the Dangers of Drinking and Boating
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/03/13 10:19AMWhile towing a couple of buddies back to their home port, a drunken sailor asks to be tossed a beer while not fully in command of his basic motor skills.
Mayor of Major Florida City Arrested for DUI, Property Damage Following Car Crash [UPDATE]
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/21/13 08:31AMSeattle News Station Gets Three People Super High, Puts Them Behind the Wheel to See How Well They Drive
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/18/13 12:34PMWith Washington having recently become the first of two states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, the local government has been tasked with determining how high a person can be before they are considered to be "driving under the influence."
Concerned Citizen Pulls Over Drunk Cop, Locks Him Up in His Own Cruiser
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/18/13 11:40AMAmerican Eagle Pilot Fails Breathalyzer Test Before Takeoff
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/04/13 01:16PMMormon Republican Senator Michael Crapo Arrested for DUI
Taylor Berman · 12/23/12 10:58PM
Michael Crapo, the unfortunately named Republican senator from Idaho, was arrested early Sunday morning in Alexandria, Virginia for drunk driving. After reportedly running a red light and failing multiple sobriety tests, Crapo was taken into custody and booked at the Alexandria jail. He was released at 5 a.m. on $1,000 bail.