Amanda Bynes Caught Smoking From 'Drug Pipe' While Driving with Suspended License In Filthy Car
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/13/12 07:31AMAmanda Bynes Refuses to Let Suspended License Stop Her from Driving Recklessly
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/10/12 03:51PMArchbishop-Elect of San Francisco and Noted Anti-Gay Crusader Salvatore Cordileone Charged with DUI
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/27/12 06:00PMRandy Travis Beat Up His Girlfriend's Estranged Husband in a Church Parking Lot, Is Basically a Walking Country Song at This Point
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/24/12 12:55PMBusted on Suspicion of Drunk Driving, Crocs Co-Founder Tries to Blame His 'Girlfriend' Taylor Swift
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/13/12 06:36PMReport: Randy Travis Threatened to Shoot and Kill Troopers Who Arrested Him for Naked DWI
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/08/12 02:25PMProfessionally Reckless Driver Amanda Bynes Accused of Third Hit-and-Run
Louis Peitzman · 05/27/12 10:18AMMatthew Fox Arrested For DUI While En Route To Mow Down Fourth Meal
Jessica Benjestorf · 05/07/12 04:21PMNickelodeon Starlet Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI (Update: 'Sideswiped' a Cop Car)
Maureen O'Connor · 04/06/12 11:02AMShould Valets Be Responsible for Policing Drunks?
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 11:40PMMuslim Miss USA Arrested for DUI
Maureen O'Connor · 12/05/11 10:25AMVodka Mom's Likely DUI Defense: 'The Smurfs Forced Me to Drink'
Lauri Apple · 11/25/11 02:55PM
We all know that the Smurfs movie ruins people's childhood memories, but does it also ruin people's very lives—namely, by leading them to reach frighteningly high intoxication levels in an effort to cope with its awfulness? "Yesssshhhhhh," traumatized mom Sarah Boushey might say, before sideswiping another car.
So-Called 'KKK Prank Trooper' Busted for DUI
Lauri Apple · 10/31/11 07:36AMYoung Mom Gets Two DUI's in Three Hours
Maureen O'Connor · 08/18/11 05:20PMDeadly-DUI Guy Gets Off Easy Thanks to Missing Detail
Lauri Apple · 07/31/11 04:34PMMother, Daughter Both Receive DUIs in Space of an Hour
Max Read · 07/19/11 08:54PMLindsay Lohan's Most Conservative Court Outfit Includes Visible Bra
Maureen O'Connor · 06/23/11 01:14PM
After testing positive for alcohol use during her house arrest following a neverending string of DUIs, probation violations, and an uncontested theft, Lindsay Lohan arrived in court today wearing her most conservative outfit yet: A blue striped button-down and black dress pants. But her bra showed anyway, in the gap between buttons. Modest clothes strain to fly off her body, like misaligned magnets repelling each other.
Woman Facing Sixth DUI Shows up to Court Drunk
Lauri Apple · 06/05/11 04:47PMLindsay Lohan's Punishment: Cleaning a Morgue
Maureen O'Connor · 04/25/11 03:14PM
As part of her punishment for violating probation, Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 120 hours of community service at the L.A. County Department of the Coroner. Apparently she will do "basic janitorial work. She won't be handling any dead bodies but she'll certainly see them." She will also serve 360 hours of service at a homeless shelter for women on Skid Row.