
Buy Barack Obama's Old Chrysler

Louis Peitzman · 01/28/12 11:01AM

Now that he's moved on to bigger and shinier things, Barack Obama has no need for his old mode of transportation. I'm actually pretty sure he ditched it a while back, but hey — now it can be yours. The eBay scourers over at BuzzFeed stumbled on an exciting opportunity to purchase Obama's 2005 Chrysler 300. For a paltry one million dollars, you can drive around in the same car then-Senator Obama may have used to travel between Washington D.C. and Chicago. That's right, no guarantees. At least the listing is honest?

Are Nicolas Cage and John Travolta Undead?

Seth Abramovitch · 09/29/11 12:08AM

There were those who laughed off a recent eBay listing claiming to offer a Civil War-era photograph of Nicolas Cage (he went by Jack Mord back then, but that was probably just an anagram) for the cool asking price of $1 million. "Personally," the seller wrote, "I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead/vampire, etcetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so."

Buy a 6-Foot-Tall Rick Perry Chia Pet

Maureen O'Connor · 09/28/11 05:27PM

For sale for $4500 on eBay: A six-foot terra cotta flower planter shaped like Rick Perry's head. A Texas fertilizer company created Governor Goodhair's chia pet alter-ego during the 2010 gubernatorial election. Cow Wow Liquid Compost also created a chia bust of Perry's opponent Bill White. They then held an "election" to see which "head of state" had better "hair."

Why Are the Feds Getting Protective of Craigslist?

Ryan Tate · 09/14/11 01:30PM

Federal prosecutors just jumped into a long running slapfight between eBay and Craigslist over how the former acquired a stake in the latter. As it turns out, they're on Craigslist's side: They've opened a criminal probe into whether eBay executives used their ownership to illicitly obtain competitive information.

Burning Man's Just for Rich People Now

Lauri Apple · 07/31/11 10:44AM

If we didn't attend the week-long Burning Man festival in Nevada every year, we probably wouldn't be the deeply spiritual, open-minded individual that we are today. We'd just be another emotional eunuch living in America, ignorant in the ways of radical self-expression. Sadly, we and our collection of fruit-flavored body paints and hovercrafts won't be able to go hang out on the Black Rock City playa this year, because last week festival tickets completely sold out for the first time in its 25-year history.

Win a Date with Julian Assange

Adrian Chen · 06/15/11 04:57PM

Ever dream of slurping down fettuccine across the table from the most wanted man in the world? You can now bid on lunch with Julian Assange.

Now's Your Chance to Bid on Justin Bieber's Hair

Adrian Chen · 02/24/11 12:35AM

When Justin Bieber got his groundbreaking hair cut, he put a little lock of it in a plastic box and gave it to Ellen. Now she's auctioning it off on her eBay page, with all the proceeds going to some animal welfare charity. The auction has been live for a little under 12 hours, and already it's up to $6,700! Jesus.

Sylvester Stallone Porno Sells on eBay

Maureen O'Connor · 11/29/10 02:04PM

A storied but little-seen porno from Sylvester Stallone's past is back. Filmed in 1970, Italian Stallion recently resurfaced in an appropriately sleazy (if bizarrely straightforward) way: The pornographers who owned the film sold its rights for $412,000 on eBay.