
Florida Ignores Department of Justice's Warning to Stop Voter Purge

Louis Peitzman · 06/02/12 03:37PM

Florida governor Rick Scott is concerned about non-citizens voting in the upcoming presidential election. At least, that's his excuse for singling out 182,000 registered voters suspected of not being U.S. citizens. That number has since been whittled down to 2,600, but the Department of Justice would like Florida to call off the purge entirely.

Roseanne Uses Twitter to Court Willie Nelson as Running Mate

Louis Peitzman · 05/12/12 03:22PM

Roseanne is taking her Green Party presidential bid seriously, and she's begun searching for the perfect running mate. She may have found him in Willie Nelson, but the country singer and activist has pulled out of contention after agreeing to take the position.

Prankster Mitt Romney Terrified Fellow Student With Haircut 'Hack Job' (UPDATE)

Jessica Benjestorf · 05/10/12 01:33PM

The Washington Post this morning profiled Mitt Romney's younger years at highfalutin Cranbrook School in Detroit. According to his friends at the time—who like all good high school friends are now throwing him under the bus—our favorite prankster was doing exactly what we've come to expect: making painfully uncomfortable jokes at best; exposing potential personality malignancies at worst.

Mitt Romney and the GOP's Treason Whack-a-Mole

Mobutu Sese Seko · 05/09/12 03:10PM

Even for conservatives, the Mitt Romney campaign provides a meeting point between high finance and low expectations. Now that the GOP nomination is all but officially wrapped up, Mitt is free to shake the Etch-a-Sketch, tack to the center and betray the perfectly reasonable people who wear felt hats, stockings and breeches to point out the villainy of, say, Head Start.

Mitt Romney's Case Against a Mitt Romney Presidency

Mobutu Sese Seko · 05/03/12 12:30PM

It's about as easy to lose track of Mitt Romney's political gaffes as it is to lose track of the number of drinks you've had during a beer pong tournament. Their pace is relentless, both are sort of shamefully satisfying, and ultimately they make your head hurt.

Is Obama Too Cool?

Louis Peitzman · 04/29/12 02:02PM

Here's the buzzed-about anti-Obama political ad in which Barack Obama's oppressive coolness is exposed. There's a lot about this strategy I don't understand. Is being cool a problem when you're a president? Does this ad make Obama's fans like him any less? Could Mitt Romney ever pull off Al Green?