QUIZ: Are You a GOP Candidate or Are You Beyoncé?
Kelly Conaboy · 11/02/15 05:26PMHamilton Nolan · 11/02/15 02:30PM
Jeb Bush Borrowed His New Slogan From England's Most Notorious Child Abuser
Ashley Feinberg · 11/02/15 02:20PM
To most American voters (especially the younger ones), Jeb Bush’s new slogan will mostly just sound uninspired, and slightly reminiscent of Bob the Builder. But for pretty much anyone even mildly aware of British popular culture, the words “Jeb Can Fix It,” soon to be plastered on every surface his dying campaign can touch, will bring to mind just one thing: Jimmy Savile, one of the most prolific child abusers in the history of entertainment.
GOP Corpses Don't Want to Debate in a Room Warmer Than 67 Degrees
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/02/15 01:44PMRepublican Presidential Candidates Want to Force Networks (Except Fox) to Change the Debates
Brendan O'Connor · 11/01/15 09:08PMThree GOP Candidates Join Pastor Who Thinks Frozen Turns Kids Gay
Ashley Feinberg · 10/30/15 01:30PM
Next week, Des Moines, Iowa will play host to the National Religious Liberties Conference—a warm, welcoming place where you get to hear about how birth control literally fills women’s wombs with tiny dead fetus babies and how homosexuals should be put to death. Naturally, GOP candidates Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Mike Huckabee were more than happy to sign up.
Which Ten Articles Did Chris Christie Read This Month?
Jordan Sargent · 10/29/15 02:18PMDr. Ben Carson Really Wants You to Know He Stabbed Someone as a Teen
Jay Hathaway · 10/28/15 05:10PMOne of the formative stories in frontrunning GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s life, a tale he’s told in no less than six of his books and trotted out again on the campaign trail this year, describes how, as a teen, he became so enraged that he stabbed another boy. In every version of the story, the boy’s metal belt buckle fortuitously saves him from Carson’s stabbity wrath. But, as the Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick noticed when he compared Carson’s accounts, that’s the only detail that’s consistent across all of them.
Team Chris Christie Headquartered in Toilet
Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/15 04:13PMTonight's GOP Debate Contestants, Ranked by Net Worth
Ashley Feinberg · 10/28/15 04:02PM
Tonight, at 8pm, the top 10 Republican candidates for President of the United States will, once again, send Twitter into a frenzy as they brawl on stage for the third (fourth? eighth?) time. But this time, these ten (mostly) wildly wealthy clowns will fight over what makes the world go round: tech policy! And of course, money.
CNN's G-Rated "Fuck, Marry, Kill" With Lindsey Graham Was No Fun For Anyone
Jordan Sargent · 10/28/15 02:00PM
In act of mutual desperation, CNN and Lindsey Graham conducted an interview over beers at a bar in Boulder last night in advance of tonight’s GOP debate. All parties were there to show the world they know how to have a little fun, which apparently meant a G-rated version of “fuck, marry, kill” called—this hurts to type—“date, marry, or disappear forever.”
Stop Using My Song, Asshole: A Playlist of Campaign Songs Politicians Were Asked to Stop Using
Ashley Feinberg · 10/26/15 05:16PM
When it comes time to run for President—few things are more crucial to any good campaign than a rockin’, vaguely patriotic tune to blast as your stuffy, out-of-touch candidate comes bumbling out onstage. The second most crucial thing: A slightly less-rockin’ backup song to play when your first one gets canned because, as luck would have it, every good band hates you.
Trump Opens Up About Humble Beginnings: Dad Gave Me a "Small" $1 Million Loan
Andy Cush · 10/26/15 10:06AMBen Carson Has Plenty of Energy, Once Tried to Stab a Guy
Brendan O'Connor · 10/25/15 09:55PMJoe Biden Says Dying Son Beau Didn't Try to Convince Him to Run for President After All
Brendan O'Connor · 10/25/15 07:26PMLame Ass Jeb Bush Campaign Is Turning Paid Staffers to Volunteers
Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/15 12:44PMPoll: Iowa Republicans Love That Ben Carson Is an Inexperienced Lunatic
Ashley Feinberg · 10/23/15 10:55AM
According to a recent poll from the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg, Iowa’s Republican caucusgoers love Ben Carson. And what they specifically love about Ben Carson is that he is a Muslim-hating, Holocaust-revising lunatic with no political experience whatsoever. In other words, Iowa Republicans love him because he is them.