Jeb! and Donald Trump Decide That Twitter Is an Appropriate Place to Fight About 9/11
Ashley Feinberg · 10/16/15 10:44PMIs Jeb Bush Really in "Excellent" Condition?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/15 09:41AMDid Hillary Clinton "Win" the Debate?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/15 12:57PMDonald Trump Live-Tweets the Democratic Debate: Trump Trump, Trump? Trump.
Ashley Feinberg · 10/13/15 11:42PMJim Webb’s Crazy Debate Answer About Killing a Guy Has an Even Crazier Backstory
Jordan Sargent · 10/13/15 10:55PMDuring the first Democratic debate of the 2016 presidential cycle, the candidates were asked by moderator Anderson Cooper to reveal which enemy they were most proud of having made. They all gave rather predictable responses—the coal industry, the NRA, Republicans—until the question moved to Jim Webb, who sorta creepily talked about killing a guy, in the process glossing over what was actually a rather remarkable event in war.
Vegas is Hil Country: Welcome to the 2016 Democratic Debate Liveblog
Ashley Feinberg · 10/13/15 07:22PMDemocratic Debate 2016: Meet the Other Guys
Ashley Feinberg · 10/13/15 03:52PM
Hillary’s on top (currently leading the polls at 43 percent), the kids love Bernie (he’s reached a million online donors faster than any candidate ever before), and Joe Biden is playing coy. But with the first 2016 Democratic debates just hours away, one question remains: Who the hell are those other guys?
Square-Jawed Muscleman Jim Webb Predicts Jim Webb Will Win Tonight's Debate
Andy Cush · 10/13/15 03:14PMDonald Trump to Make Saturday Night Live Relevant Next Month
Ashley Feinberg · 10/13/15 01:01PM"Your Representative Doesn't Give a Shit About You": Larry Lessig's Plan to Fix Democracy
Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/15 12:35PMA Running List of People Willing to Accept the Position of Speaker of the House
Ashley Feinberg · 10/12/15 02:46PM
Realistically speaking, no one wants to be the Speaker of the House. It is an awful, thankless job that spells certain political death for whichever misguided soul ascends to its cursed ranks. That said, someone has to do it. And now that Kevin McCarthy is out of the running, throwing the House of Representatives into chaos, we’ve set out to find which people are actually willing to take the Speaker’s chair.
Brendan O'Connor · 10/10/15 11:40AM
“Just 158 families, along with companies they own or control, contributed $176 million in the first phase of the campaign,” the New York Times reports—more money, mostly traveling through channels legalized by the Citizens United decision, from fewer (overwhelmingly Republican) sources than in nearly half a century.
The White House Can't Win the Class War
Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/15 10:31AMGroup Tries to Tempt Joe Biden Into Race By Bringing Up His Dead Wife and Child
Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/15 08:04AMBen Carson Campaign Manager: Constant Hitler Analogies "Too Powerful"
Jay Hathaway · 10/08/15 03:17PM
Ben Carson—neurosurgeon, presidential candidate, and alleged sponge-fumbler—has repeatedly warned that America could go the way of Nazi Germany if people “keep their mouths shut” and don’t “stand up.” His campaign manager doesn’t necessarily disagree, he just wishes the candidate would stop trying to make political points by bringing up Hitler.
Report: Ben Carson Once Left a Sponge in a Patient's Brain
Ashley Feinberg · 10/07/15 03:15PM
Ben Carson, a celebrated neurosurgeon credited as the first surgeon to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head, has had his share of allegedly severe missteps, according to a new report from the National Enquirer. The investigation allegedly uncovered six malpractice lawsuits against the candidate, one of which accused him of leaving a sponge in a patient’s brain.