
Here Are Your Dumbest Stock-Trading Congressmen

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/11 11:56AM

Everyone who is not a savvy financial professional would be well-advised to pursue a single investing strategy: buy and hold. That means, whatever you do, do not try to "trade" stock and mutual funds, as if you know what you're doing. Because you don't. Millions of Americans grasp this concept. At least two of their elected representatives do not.

Moron Student Who Accused Jewish Prof of Anti-Semitism: I Am The Victim Here

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 09:19AM

Yesterday, we brought you the story of Sarah Grunfeld, the 22 year-old student at York University who ran out and publicly accused her (Jewish) sociology professor of anti-Semitism when he said the phrase "Jews should be sterilized"—as an example of a bad opinion. Grunfeld's reasoning: "The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized' still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that's pretty serious."

Another Republican Governor Removes Painting of Poor People

Jim Newell · 06/07/11 01:46PM

Don't you just love this new batch of Republican governors? This may be the first crop to produce two governors who've pissed people off by removing paintings of the poor in their first months in office. First there was Maine Gov. Paul LePage, who took down a large labor mural because it gave businessmen the willies. Now our old pal from Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker, has removed a painting of poor, homeless, minority kids from his mansion, because he preferred some painting of an old bald eagle instead.

Dan Snyder Will Never Shut Up

Hamilton Nolan · 04/26/11 10:29AM

Dan Snyder, wealthy scoundrel and owner of an awful football team whose name is a racial slur, is able to blow countless hundreds of millions dollars on high-profile free agents who immediately become bad at the sport of football upon cashing Dan Snyder's check. But oddly, he is not wealthy enough to buy one decent PR adviser who could tell him to keep his stupid mouth shut.

Sarah Palin Blames the Media for 'Blood Libel'

Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/11 09:29AM

After the horrific Tucson shootings last weekend, future U.S. president Sarah Palin retreated to her prayer cave and prayed for guidance. Today, she's announced her findings: The real tragedy here is "journalists and pundits" who "manufacture a blood libel."

Steve Schwarzman: PR Nightmare

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/10 09:06AM

Billionaire plutocrat Steve Schwarzman committed a "gaffe" recently when he said that Obama's effort to raise taxes on private equity firms is "a when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939." Steve! We are shocked you'd say (or do!) something stupid.