
Watch Gay Marriage Leader Receive a Sweet Call From Obama Live on CNN

Andy Cush · 06/26/15 10:43AM

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision to legalize same-sex marriage across the country was announced this morning, President Obama called lead plaintiff Jim Obergefell to send his congratulations. I wonder if the president knew he’d be put on speakerphone and broadcast on CNN.

Ireland Has Legalized Same-Sex Marriage

Brendan O'Connor · 05/23/15 08:46AM

Though the official tally is still being taken, it appears that Ireland has voted overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, the Associated Press reports. Leaders from both sides of the debate have said that the “Yes” voters won—the only thing left to determine is by how much.

Bobby Jindal Wants to Be President of Bigot Pizza Nation

Ashley Feinberg · 04/23/15 05:21PM

Louisiana governor and presumed 2016 presidential contender Bobby Jindal has an op-ed in The New York Times in which he takes a stand against everyone taking a stand against businesses taking a stand against gay marriage, and publicizes his push to pass a bill forbidding his state from taking “adverse action” against businesses that discriminate against same-sex couples. How brave.

Alabama Chief Justice Orders Judges to Refuse Gay Marriage Licenses

Aleksander Chan · 02/09/15 08:55AM

On the eve of the first legal gay marriages in Alabama, the state's chief justice, Roy S. Moore, issued an order to the state's probate judges to not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. A federal judge struck down Alabama's ban on and constitutional amendment against gay marriage last month.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Four Gay Marriage Cases

Taylor Berman · 01/16/15 04:10PM

The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether the Constitution allows individual states to ban gay marriage. The decision comes three months after the court refused to hear appeals from seven states where statewide bans on same-sex marriage had been invalidated.

Virginia Is for Legally Married Gay Lovers

Aleksander Chan · 10/06/14 02:44PM

Following this morning's decision by the Supreme Court to deny appeals to seven same-sex marriage cases, couples in Virginia have flocked to state courthouses for impromptu weddings. Yvonne Landis, who with her partner of 23 years, Melodie Mayo, were the first couple in Virginia to apply for a same-sex marriage license today, told the Washington Post, "I'm just really excited. We always said we are waiting for Virginia. We wanted it to be legal here."

Will the Supreme Court Pick a Gay-Marriage Case in Today's Meeting?

Michelle Dean · 09/29/14 11:20AM

Keep one eye on the Supreme Court today and tomorrow, as it holds its "Long Conference" about all the petitions it got over the summer. In the mix are five cases asking the same question: Are bans on same-sex marriage constitutional? Join me below as I split into multiple personalities to explain it.