
Genevieve Jones

cityfile · 03/14/08 05:16AM

A fixture at events around town, Genevieve Jones is one of the few young African-American women on the social scene and one of the more controversial, too. Once described by Vogue as the "Girl of the Moment," Jones's "It" girl status dissipated in late 2006 after a series of articles revealed she'd been lying about her age and family roots. She's since founded her own line of jewelry.

Vincent Gallo Terrorizes Genevieve Jones

Choire · 09/10/07 10:40AM

This weekend at the "Warhol Factory X Levi's By Damien Hirst" party at Gagosian Gallery, auteur and crazyman Vincent Gallo swooped in for a snuggle with slightly-former It Girl Genevieve Jones. Can you smell her fear? Can you smell his body? [Photo: Splash]

Who Attends A Party For A Condo?

Joshua Stein · 06/27/07 12:40PM

Last night, photographer Mark Seliger nominally "hosted" a "gallery opening" at the new gimmicky Shvo condo in Chelsea, which heinously refers to itself as White Space: A Global Address. There's a gallery in the lobby, or rather the lobby is a gallery. Last night that lobby-gallery (lobbery?) was rather full with socialites and rich men. Derek Blasberg showed up in blue seersucker pants. BFF's Genevieve Jones and Bonnie Morrison both made v. brief appearances. Justine D was deejaying (the Misshapes really started a trend when they deejayed the Starck Yoo building opening.) Probs everyone thought "white space" was code for coke. Nikola Tamindzic was there to capture the confusion.

Gawker's Personalities of the Year

Doree Shafrir · 12/29/06 03:40PM

As 2006 huffs toward its inexorable end, we decided to take a moment to recognize those personalities that made our job that much more tolerable this year. These are the people who gave us endless fodder for our douchebag mill, who were attracted to the spotlight like moths to a flame, whose stated disdain for our coverage of them was contradicted by their almost pathetic attempts to court it. The adage that there's no such thing as bad publicity has never felt more apt.

Figuring Out the Socialite Rank Mystery Just Got a Whole Lot More Scientific

Doree Shafrir · 12/27/06 04:00PM

We've been sort of idly consumed by the question of who's behind Socialite Rank, though, quite frankly, the question of who's behind the anonymous site seems like a bit of a red herring to us. But we're still willing to entertain guesses, especially convoluted, pseudo-scientific ones. Take this theory that landed in our inbox today, involving a group of six people who've been tracking the site for the last six weeks. They each posted negative comments about various socialite who've been rumored to be behind the site who "could have been using the website for their own benefit." Then they kept track of which comments were deleted. The possibly incriminating results after the jump. (Not that the photo at right has anything to do with the results. Well, okay, maybe it does.)

Genevieve Jones Is Legion, Contains Multitudes

Chris Mohney · 09/28/06 04:30PM

You may recall our discussion of model-socialite Genevieve Jones, who is black. Socialite Rank helpfully provides a glimpse into Jones's social/sartorial evolution over time. Witness the Genevieveverse, where all are Genevieve Jones without end, amen.