
Which Actress Was Getting Flirty with Another Lady at the SAG Awards?

Brian Moylan · 02/01/12 10:13AM

This actress was "necking" with another famous lady in public, and even got her number. This closet case's boyfriend dumped him after he wasn't allowed to go to a movie premiere and this couple has stayed together forever since they're both asexual. That's gotta be the world's most boring closet.

New Jersey Bans Snooki and JWOWW's Jersey Shore Spinoff

Brian Moylan · 01/31/12 04:10PM

The city of Hoboken, New Jersey, has denied a request for a proposed MTV Jersey Shore spinoff starring the show's boozy Lucy and Ethel JWOWW and Snooki. Damn, no one in New Jersey wants these two.

Mark Zuckerberg Wanted To Sacrifice Facebook for a Different Idea

Ryan Tate · 01/31/12 01:08PM

It might be built on science, but Silicon Valley can be as fickle and fashion conscious as any Paris couturier. Back in 2004, for example, social networking looked trivial and grubby; truly cool programmers worked on swapping copyrighted music and movies. Even robotic Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was swept up in the trend, planning to sacrifice his now-$75 billion social network for a file-sharing venture, according to newly released instant messages.

Elton John Continues Talking Shit About Madonna

Brian Moylan · 01/30/12 11:43AM

Looks like bitter queen Elton John still has his sequined knickers in a bunch over Madonna beating him at the Golden Globes. Just when you thought their feud was going to take a break, he lashed out against her on Good Morning America.

Which Member of the Royal Family Likes Cocaine?

Brian Moylan · 01/30/12 10:25AM

This foreign royal likes to indulge in the booger sugar when he's out at night clubs. This singer is giving fans herpes, this actor hates a movie he's in, and this actress is pissed she was offered the role of an older woman. Maybe a coke bender with a member of the monarchy will cheer her up.

Yes, the Romneys Converted Mitt's Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to Mormonism

John Cook · 01/27/12 12:02PM

Gawker's substantial Mormon readership has come through for us: Two readers have sent us confirmation that Edward Davies, Mitt Romney's militantly atheist father-in-law, was indeed posthumously converted to Mormonism by his family, despite the fact that when he was alive he regarded all religions as "hogwash." UPDATE: Romney's brother-in-law responds below.

Which Recovering Celebrity Was Getting Pain Pills from Movie Set Doctors?

Brian Moylan · 01/27/12 10:25AM

This leading lady was getting prescriptions filled from multiple on-set doctors. This actress slept with a casting director to get her big role (surprise, surprise) and this actress feels guilty that her movies objectify women. There's no pill to make that go away.

A Quick Guide To Doing Whip-Its Without Having a Demi Moore-Like Seizure

Leah Beckmann · 01/26/12 06:52PM

After Demi Moore's recent whip-it fiasco, it's become apparent that some of you do not know how to use whip-its. If we are anything here at Gawker, we are educators first and foremost. So while I wish Demi a speedy recovery, it is important that you all stop doing whip-its (not to be confused with my favorite butthole relaxant and room odorizer, Poppers) the wrong way. There is a right way to do them and I am here to teach you how. Also, don't be a goober; you should know what a whip-it is and how to do it by now.

Did Mitt Romney Convert His Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to Mormonism?

John Cook · 01/26/12 12:56PM

One of the creepier corners of Mitt Romney's uncannily flawless life story is the fact that he not only drew his bride, Ann Romney, over to his weird religion: He converted her entire family as well. This despite the fact that Ann's father, Edward Davies, was a committed atheist who insisted on raising his children without religion.

Which Music Exec Has a Harem of Women He Doesn't Sleep With?

Brian Moylan · 01/26/12 10:45AM

This famous music man keeps a bevy of beautiful women on the payroll. They're not for his pleasure, they're to lure in new artists. This actress doesn't want to keep her baby and another actress' famous husband is cheating with the nanny. See the trouble that happens when there are babies around?