
Lindsay Lohan Confronts Her Boyfriend's Wife and Causes a Scene

Maureen O'Connor · 09/23/11 10:45AM

LiLo "rudely confronts" her millionaire boyfriend's wife. Did Queen Latifah leave her girlfriend for someone new? George Clooney reminisces on his youth as a farmhand. Shaq and Will Smith go to the Cheesecake Factory. TGIFriday gossip.

Sexualizing Kids Sure Is Expensive

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/11 03:12PM

Bedbug death! Brain collection! Obesity drug! Depression stroke! Lung cancer! Sexxxy kids! Soup disease! Killer cantaloupe! And young people who think they're pret-ty damn clever! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—before you're ready!

Mark Zuckerberg Is Now Richer Than Google's Geezers

Ryan Tate · 09/22/11 02:42PM

Facebook's co-founder CEO might be 11 years younger than Google's co-founder CEO, with a company half as old, but he's got about $2.4 billion on the guy. Mark Zuckerberg just became the country's richest person under 40.

Chief of CIA's 'Global Jihad Unit' Revealed Online

John Cook · 09/22/11 02:28PM

The CIA is having trouble keeping its secret agents off the internet. First, it allowed the White House to publish a photograph of the man behind the operation to kill Osama bin Laden. And now the identity of the woman who runs its "Global Jihad Unit"—and who has a long (if pseudonymous) history of being associated with some of the agency's most disastrous boondoggles—has been published online by two documentary filmmakers who sussed it out with the help of some "savvy internet research."

The Many Campaign Trail Adventures of Michele Bachmann

Jim Newell · 09/22/11 01:36PM

Rep. Michele Bachmann has had all sorts of fun adventures on the presidential campaign trail, whether it's by introducing herself to likely voter babies, playing with heavy machinery, or gazing down long rows of hanging animal carcasses. When will she finish losing this race already?

Kate Middleton Needs Princess Lessons

Richard Lawson · 09/21/11 04:41PM

Kate Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge since she up and married Prince William, is pretty and poised and seems to the manor born. Well, to us commoners at least. To the royal family she still needs work, so she's taking royalty lessons.

R.E.M. Has Officially Broken Up

Brian Moylan · 09/21/11 01:03PM

The '90s indie sensation R.E.M., who you haven't thought about since Automatic for the People, has officially broken up. Oh thank God. They had gotten to be like a novelist who lived too long and wrote all these crappy books that sullied the reputation of their sterling early works.

Buzz Aldrin Is Having a Sex Scandal

Maureen O'Connor · 09/20/11 12:54PM

81-year-old former astronaut and Dancing with the Stars geezer Buzz Aldrin is having a sex scandal. After 23 years of marriage, he left third wife Lois Driggs Cannon to be with 51-year-old marketer Michelle Sucillon, whom he met while signing books. Though not yet divorced, Buzz and Michelle have reportedly been "making out like teenagers" in public. Now Lois is giving scorched-earth interviews accusing Michelle of being "a predator," and Buzz of having "a midlife crisis in old age." Once you've been to the moon, it's hard to get thrills. [P6, Image of Buzz and Lois via Getty, Michelle via Facebook]

Famous Rapper Wreaks Havoc on College Bar by Demanding Drinks for Free

Maureen O'Connor · 09/20/11 12:19PM

It was the coolest of times, it was the crappiest of times. B.o.B., a famous rapper, came all the way to Ithaca to play a show at Cornell University. This was, according to locals, cool. But then he went and ran up a $1,060 bill at a local bar, and refused to pay the waiter. This was, according to locals, not cool. The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Bethenny Frankel Lost at Sea for 20 Hours

Maureen O'Connor · 09/20/11 10:51AM

Bethenny drifts for 20 hours with no land in sight. Lea Michele is single. Lindsay Lohan's "shady" hotel rendezvous photographed. Entourage guy says he didn't turn Jane Lynch gay. Tuesday gossip is afraid of water.