Alec Baldwin Skipped the Emmys for a More Boring Reason Than We Thought
Brian Moylan · 09/19/11 11:46AMTelevision's Biggest Night Was Just About the Worst Show on Television Tonight
Brian Moylan · 09/18/11 11:16PMBlood on the Carpet: Highlights of Emmys Fashion
Richard Lawson · 09/18/11 07:46PMDog 'for' Ron Paul Looks Utterly Humiliated
Lauri Apple · 09/18/11 01:47PMShould Sculptor Who Shot Dog 'for Art' Receive $750K in Public Funds?
Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 07:53PM
Back in 1977, Brooklyn-based artist Tom Otterness made a film of himself shooting and killing a dog he'd adopted from an animal shelter. It's art! But it's also evidence of an act of animal cruelty, which is why some San Francisco residents don't want Otterness to receive $750,000 in public funds to make statues for a local subway station.
See Halle Berry Interpretive-Dance With, Hide From Cars
Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 05:00PMComment of the Day: Objectifying Republican Men for a Change
Richard Lawson · 09/16/11 05:30PMBritish Cops Want the Guardian to Give Up the Source Who Ruined Everything For Them
John Cook · 09/16/11 02:40PM
The Metropolitan Police knew for years that the Sun had hacked into teen British murder victim Milly Dowler's voicemail, but sat on the information because they were in cahoots with England's tabloids. It wasn't until the Guardian broke the Dowler story that the police finally investigated the hacking in earnest. Now the cops want to know who ratted them out.
Qaddafi's Son Is Bisexual and Other Things the New York Times Doesn't Want You to Know
John Cook · 09/16/11 12:48PM
Now that Wikileaks has been forced by circumstance to release the full, unredacted archive of its 250,000-plus classified diplomatic cables, we can see what the New York Times voluntarily redacted, at the request of the State Department, from the cables that it published. Among the things it hid: Muammar Qaddafi has a bisexual son, and a Reuters correspondent is a source for State Department intelligence.
'What Is There to Worry About?' Jill Abramson Unwisely Asks
Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 12:20PMPredicting Sunday Night's Emmy Winners
Richard Lawson · 09/16/11 11:30AMBrad Pitt: Marrying Aniston Made Me a Boring Couch Potato
Maureen O'Connor · 09/16/11 10:25AM50 Cent Playing Coy With Presidential Endorsement
Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 09:05AMThis Guy Stuffed Almost a Kilo of Cocaine Down His Throat
Jeff Neumann · 09/16/11 05:00AM
Just imagine you're a 20-year-old guy wrapping up a Brazilian vacation, and you've got managed to fit close to a kilo of cocaine down your throat before heading to the airport. Oh, the raging parties you'll throw! And the money! And the ladies. But then you're kindly asked at the airport to submit to a medical scan. Via MSNBC's Photoblog, we learn that these images are of a 20-year-old Irish man who was arrested on September 12 at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil.