
MySpace Forced To Cancel Justin Timberlake Party

Ryan Tate · 09/19/11 06:17PM

MySpace had a big summer "coming out party" planned for itself, to prove that it was full of new energy . Investor Justin Timberlake was going to be there and everything! Sadly, the social network had to cancel this party, because it continues to die.

Blood on the Carpet: Highlights of Emmys Fashion

Richard Lawson · 09/18/11 07:46PM

TV's most fabulous night is upon us, meaning all the small screen stars have put on their best little outfits and posed for pictures. And here are some of those pictures!

Dog 'for' Ron Paul Looks Utterly Humiliated

Lauri Apple · 09/18/11 01:47PM

Everybody meet Keelut, who was forced by his owner to attend the California Republican Party Convention in Los Angeles, wear that sloppy-ass sandwich board, and act like he supports a moron. He just looks so, so happy to be there.

Should Sculptor Who Shot Dog 'for Art' Receive $750K in Public Funds?

Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 07:53PM

Back in 1977, Brooklyn-based artist Tom Otterness made a film of himself shooting and killing a dog he'd adopted from an animal shelter. It's art! But it's also evidence of an act of animal cruelty, which is why some San Francisco residents don't want Otterness to receive $750,000 in public funds to make statues for a local subway station.

See Halle Berry Interpretive-Dance With, Hide From Cars

Lauri Apple · 09/17/11 05:00PM

Halle Berry's been filming her new movie, Cloud Atlas, in Glasgow, Scotland, where it's apparently as cold as the McDickens. To stay warm, the usually sweaty actress has been clutching to hot water bottles and doing dances, which we'll categorize as "funny."

Qaddafi's Son Is Bisexual and Other Things the New York Times Doesn't Want You to Know

John Cook · 09/16/11 12:48PM

Now that Wikileaks has been forced by circumstance to release the full, unredacted archive of its 250,000-plus classified diplomatic cables, we can see what the New York Times voluntarily redacted, at the request of the State Department, from the cables that it published. Among the things it hid: Muammar Qaddafi has a bisexual son, and a Reuters correspondent is a source for State Department intelligence.

'What Is There to Worry About?' Jill Abramson Unwisely Asks

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 12:20PM

In your grudging Friday media column: Jill Abramson is complacent, the WaPo and the Daily Mail bitch at one another, investigative reporters take a hit, job changes at Conde Nast, and Reuters is ambitious.

Predicting Sunday Night's Emmy Winners

Richard Lawson · 09/16/11 11:30AM

Emmys! Television's highest honors (after the Peabodys and the TV Guide Awards) will be doled out on Sunday night to an approx. three million lucky TV actors and creators. Who will win? Who should win? Let's take a look!

Brad Pitt: Marrying Aniston Made Me a Boring Couch Potato

Maureen O'Connor · 09/16/11 10:25AM

Brad Pitt laments the years he spent sitting around getting high with Jen. Lindsay Lohan throws a drink at a photographer. A tween star dresses his penis up like an elephant. Anna Faris: "I hope somebody roofies me tonight!" TGIFriday gossip.

50 Cent Playing Coy With Presidential Endorsement

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 09:05AM

Since the day of Barack Obama's inauguration, pundits and purveyors of "horse race" political journalism have been asking with increasing fervor: who will disconcertingly baby-voiced rapper and Vitamin Water vendor and trusted political power broker 50 Cent endorse in 2012?

This Guy Stuffed Almost a Kilo of Cocaine Down His Throat

Jeff Neumann · 09/16/11 05:00AM

Just imagine you're a 20-year-old guy wrapping up a Brazilian vacation, and you've got managed to fit close to a kilo of cocaine down your throat before heading to the airport. Oh, the raging parties you'll throw! And the money! And the ladies. But then you're kindly asked at the airport to submit to a medical scan. Via MSNBC's Photoblog, we learn that these images are of a 20-year-old Irish man who was arrested on September 12 at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Fashion Week Goes Off into the Sunset

Brian Moylan · 09/15/11 05:09PM

That soft galloping you hear is the clack of a million pairs of high heels marching off into the distance. Yes, fashion week is ending. And while we'll miss our time in its glamorous thrall, we think we'll survive until February.

Ethan Hawke's Got to Get Paid

Richard Lawson · 09/15/11 04:00PM

Gen X's favorite son needs to eat, after all, so he's headed (back) to television. Also today: Valerie Plame switches agencies, Up All Night had quite a, um, night, and some exciting Hunger Games newz.

Lady Gaga's Declares 'I Am a Tramp' in New Song

Brian Moylan · 09/15/11 03:00PM

Well, it's not really a new song, it's "The Lady Is a Tramp," the classic Rogers and Hart standard. Oh, I do love a misleading headline. That's why this lady is a tramp. But Lady Gaga croons the song with Tony Bennett and it's really good!

Bravo Fires Four Real Housewives of New York

Brian Moylan · 09/15/11 02:00PM

We've been hearing whispers for the better part of a week that Kelly Bensimon, Alex McCord, and former Gawker intern Jill Zarin have been fired from the Real Housewives of New York and now it seems like it is official. Goodbye, sweet, sweet ladies.