
Glee: Willy Wonkee and the Awful Factory

Brian Moylan · 05/18/11 12:02PM

Yes, there are some things in life that are apparently too exotic to ever covet: a golden ticket, an oompa-loompa, and three good episodes of Glee in a row. Last night's wasn't just a bad episode, it might have been the worst.

Disney Princess Demi Lovato Shares Her Bikini Pictures with the World

Brian Moylan · 05/17/11 11:10AM

The troubled starlet is on the mend and sending the internet racy pictures of herself. The Situation sued his own father, Lindsay Lohan gets kicked out a party, Leonardo DiCaprio is dating a Gossip Girl. Tuesday's gossip just wants to relax on a beach somewhere.

Glee: What About Prom?

Brian Moylan · 05/11/11 12:28PM

Oh prom! The most important time in any teenagers life where all the details of what dress to wear, what limo to get, and what substances to take seem so important. Well, they're not. But they do make for good television and great Glee.

Glee: Rumours Has It

Brian Moylan · 05/04/11 12:40PM

Last night the confusing plot lines on Glee came to a head when all the singing youngsters dusted off their cool aunt Karen's copy of a Fleetwood Mac album, stayed up all night doing blow, and screamed at each other. Well, not quite, but it was just as fun to watch.

Glee: Hit It on the Nose

Brian Moylan · 04/27/11 12:20PM

Oh Glee. Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee. What ever are we going to do with you? Last night you were bigger or badder than ever. Or was it just big? Or was it just bad? I can barely even tell anymore.

Fox Tightens Security After Glee Extra Tweets Career-Ending Spoiler

Seth Abramovitch · 04/21/11 01:15AM

Nicole Crowther, an extra who had worked on an upcoming episode of Glee, posted the names of the show's prom king and queen on Twitter. That act of spoiler blasphemy, punishable by stoning death in certain Middle Eastern countries, earned the ire of Glee co-creator Brad Falchuk, who tweeted back:

Glee: Ms. Paltrow's Message to Us All

Richard Lawson · 04/20/11 12:10PM

Last night's episode of Tunebots: A Musical had our kids feeling sad and neglected, unable to raise funds for their big trip to Nationals. Also Will was sad-ish about Holly Holiday. Yes, Ms. Paltrow was back, squeezing out another song.

Rebecca Black Phenomenon to Somehow Get More Annoying

Richard Lawson · 04/14/11 05:10PM

You hoped it was over, but Rebecca Black's moment will go on. Also today: Lincoln finds his wife, Nickelodeon shows both old and new receive some good news, a new ABC show receives some bad news, and Ellen Page is headed to be neurotic in Rome.

Elton John to Kings of Leon: 'What the Hell Is Wrong with You Guys?'

Matt Cherette · 04/01/11 01:09AM

On tonight's Late Night, Elton John stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Fallon. When the topic of John's songs being covered—on American Idol, for example—came up, he celebrated it, while simultaneously bashing "assholes" Kings of Leon.

Child Hero Taylor Swift to Ruin Important Piece of Childhood

Richard Lawson · 03/17/11 05:45PM

One living person beloved by children is attempting to sully the work of a dead person beloved by children, and only one can be victorious in the end. Also today: Matthew Fox is going to kill you, Darren Aronofsky thought better of it, and we might officially have our Katniss.

Glee: Original Recipe

Brian Moylan · 03/16/11 12:55PM

At their big Regional competition the New Directions introduced their first original songs. It was with great fear and trepidation we watched, because they were sure to be a disaster. We were all proven right—and wrong.

Glee: It's in His Kiss

Madeleine Davies · 03/16/11 08:50AM

Glee loves to pat itself on the back for breaking boundaries, but rarely does it deserve the praise that it's constantly giving itself. Every now and then, however, the show will do something groundbreaking and last night's episode is one of those instances.

Glee Tries to Sex Us Up

Madeleine Davies · 03/09/11 01:50PM

Gwyneth Paltrow signed a $900K record deal yesterday. Exciting, right? You've been praying for her to cut an album ever since you saw her in Duets. And she's back on Glee! All of your dreams are coming true!

Glee: Gwyneth Paltrow Is a Skank

Brian Moylan · 03/09/11 01:34PM

The GOOP mistress herself, Gwyneth Paltrow, returned to reprise her role as substitute teacher Holly Holiday and she taught everyone about how to get dirty. Gwynnie isn't my idea of a sexy, but this was another successful appearance.

Glee: Blaine it on the Alcohol

Madeleine Davies · 02/23/11 02:55PM

It's Glee time everybody, but don't let that get you down. Last night's episode was all about the booze, so, to get in the spirit, let's all get drunk at our desks and recap!

Glee: A Slam Drunk

Brian Moylan · 02/23/11 01:55PM

Just a few weeks ago, I would have said Glee needed a twelve step program, but these days it looks like it's well on its way to recovery. Yes, the show had to get completely wasted to give us one of its best episodes in a long time.