
Which Actor and Actress Are Really into S&M?

Brian Moylan · 05/21/10 09:41AM

He wants to make a snuff film and she has a reputation for coke-fueled sexcapades that would make the Marquis de Sade blush. Maybe they should make a movie together?

Which Celebrity Used to Be a Prostitute?

Brian Moylan · 05/20/10 09:33AM

That's one part of her hard-knock story she always leaves out. This star is moving to get miles away from her famous mother, this starlet is serving coke in salt shakers, and the return of a skanky director's wife!

A $20 Million Bid to Buy Perez Hilton

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 11:35AM

Gawker has learned that Avid Life Media, the owner of sites including HotorNot.com and Ashley Madison, has partnered with two prominent gossip bloggers to put in a $20 million bid to acquire PerezHilton.com.

Which Singer Has a Very Bizarre Bathroom Ritual?

Brian Moylan · 05/18/10 09:30AM

The diva imports very expensive toilet paper. This celeb shelled out cash to fertility doctors to knock her up and will go public soon. This actress is being paid to keep her former boyfriend closeted. Money can't buy you class.

Who Hates Mimi Gurbst?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/10 01:03PM

Last week, Felix Gillette wrote an innocent story about Mimi Gurbst, a senior producer at ABC World News, retiring to become a high school guidance counselor. Soon, the story's comment section became a message board for vicious anti-Gurbst vitriol. Why?

Which Talk Show Host Does Blow on the Set?

Brian Moylan · 05/17/10 09:23AM

It's hard to make it through the show without it. This actress showed up to rehearsals for a Broadway show drunk. This Oscar-caliber star is cheating on her husband on set. Someone call OSHA. These workplaces are unsafe.

Which Starlet Needs a New Nose to Save Her Career?

Brian Moylan · 05/14/10 09:34AM

That's if the coke doesn't destroy it first. This silly actress pitched a fit over something incredibly petty. Finally, yesterday's item about a director pimping out his wife is solved. For a change, we have answers!

Which Director Pimped out His Wife so He Could Get a Job?

Brian Moylan · 05/13/10 09:31AM

Little does he know the producer he loaned her to is still secretly schtupping her. Then there are two cases of costars cheating on their spouses with each other. Do actors do anything on set other than sleep together?

Haim Saban Eyes Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 08:54AM

Billionaire entertainment industry power player and Clinton pal Haim Saban is probably still getting over the sting of being unable to completely manipulate The New Yorker's profile of him. Perhaps he will buy Newsweek, as a consolation prize.

Which Actor Is Taking Baby Steps out of the Closet?

Brian Moylan · 05/12/10 09:14AM

He's even trying to date a closeted pop star. Let's hope it's not the tween who's been hitting it with his backup dancers. This actress likes to have sex in bars and this reality star only has one nut.

Which Actress Lost a Role Because of a Small Penis?

Brian Moylan · 05/11/10 09:33AM

She told her friends that the producer of the show was "lacking," now he's going to fire her. This celebrity couple had a silly accident while having sex outdoors. Let's hope it had nothing to do with his endowment.

Which Star Can't Get Rid of All Her Body Hair?

Brian Moylan · 05/10/10 09:26AM

Her staff is sick of cleaning up the hirsute mess. This actor can't stop sleeping with his coworkers, this tycoon smuggled his girlfriend into the country, and this pregnant celeb is sick of wearing panties. Hairy situations all.

Which Singer Is Whacked out on Crack?

Brian Moylan · 05/07/10 09:32AM

All she's doing on tour is lying around high in her bathrobe. This tween star is buying condoms, a rapper is tapping his tranny assistant, and this songstress wants to write a book. These caged birds, they are a-singing.

Jessica Simpson: Patron Celebrity of Bodily Functions

Maureen O'Connor · 05/06/10 03:46PM

There is a certain kind of child who always has sticky red popsicle slush dribbling down his chin. Everyone blames farts and lice outbreaks on him. How did ex-certified hottie Jessica Simpson become Hollywood's version of that kid?

Which Actress Wants to Tell the World About Her Girlfriend?

Brian Moylan · 05/06/10 08:50AM

Let's just hope her husband already knows. This actor goes out of his way for secret plastic surgery and this actress got some fake bling from an ex. Everyone's got secrets, some are just better at hiding them.

Which Two Actresses Are Bitter, Career-Ruining Rivals?

Brian Moylan · 05/04/10 09:23AM

They play neighbors, but they couldn't hate each other more. Same goes for this married couple, who stays together for show, or how everyone in Hollywood hates this actress who succeeds on nepotism. Is there no more room for love?

Which Fashion Designer Infected Others with HIV?

Brian Moylan · 05/03/10 09:02AM

He was haunted by it until his dying day. This comedian was a terror on the set until his costar dumped him. This British singer stole her flack's canine name. We're all going to the dogs.