
Maggie · 11/19/07 01:10PM

An Italian circuit court ruled Friday that reporting gossip in Italy will be illegal "unless it helps make a larger point about the figure in question." The new rules will "apply only to television, print and radio media." Whoa, and this is the country that gave us the word 'paparazzi.' [Hollywood Reporter]

Joshua Stein · 11/15/07 03:10PM

What wealthy Park Avenue power couple's marriage is ending because the husband announced he was leaving his cosmetics heiress wife for another man who may or may not be a French architect?

Why Was Owen Wilson At Butter Last Night?

Emily Gould · 11/06/07 10:50AM

That little stretch of Lafayette where New York pretends to be L.A. was buzzing last night as strike-fearing actors packed into Butter. Says our spy, "Two stars from '30 Rock,' Kristina Bowen and Lonny Ross, were like, 'Um we are pretty much screwed. We have one more shooting script and that's It.' Lance Bass tried to join in on the convo, asking 'Wait does this affect talk shows....' His nose in person reminds me of Peter Pan. Plastic surgery is NOT his friend." But the biggest celeb in attendance was the Butterscotch Stallion himself, 'Darjeeling Express' star Owen Wilson, accompanied only by "a PR lady and two bodyguards." "He left in under 30 mins. It was a bit of a buzz killer—everyone was like 'Gasp—that's the Wilson brother who tried to kill himself.' It was such an odd reaction. Why is he going out anyway, you know?" To promote 'not being dead,' one assumes.

No One Got Naked At The Frankfurt Book Fair This Year

Emily Gould · 10/19/07 10:20AM

The gossip from Frankfurt, where international rights to books are bought and sold during a traditionally ribald and booze-sodden week every October, is beginning to trickle in as the fair draws to a close. It is all lame. There's no "big book" this year, only a "big story" about the dissolution of British agency PFD, whose 85 employees simultaneously quit, leaving clients like Ruth Rendell unmoored. FSG editor Lorin Stein, who, according to our inbox, is a "notoriously arch shithead" and a "boat-shoe wearing schmuck," let Times book lady Motoko Rich follow him around as he played hooky from the fair to pick apples in the Rhine Valley and attended dinners that found him "carving slabs of pork ribs and sampling the local apple wine. ('It's wretched,' he declared after the first sip.)" Something interesting must have happened, though, at the notorious Canongate party?

Choire · 09/27/07 09:55AM

Good stories we've heard: "At Jeffrey Toobin's book party the other night, I watched David Remnick ball up a piece of fried shrimp in a napkin and throw it on the floor. He's totally over it."

Emily Gould · 09/27/07 09:42AM

Good stories we've heard: "Okay, so Meredith Melling Burke —you know, she's Anna Wintour's #2 at Vogue?—is going around telling this story. She has a house in Nantucket, right? And one night she and her friend decide to have a contest. They're going to go to a bar and see who can get the most townies' phone numbers. Meredith totally wins. And then later her husband finds all the numbers and he's, like, sooooo mad."

Who am I and why am I here?

Evelyn Nussenbaum · 09/10/07 11:53AM

I'm Evelyn Nussenbaum. It's not an existential question. But in case you're wondering where the lovely and talented Owen Thomas has gone, the answer is Hawaii. With his spouse. Leaving me to fill his extremely large (but stylish) shoes. So who am I? The short answer is that I am a refugee from the late, great Business 2.0 Magazine—ok the October issue is coming out, but it's the last one. This is a collector's item, people! But my stint at the New York Post is probably the most relevant to Valleywag. OK, I was a business reporter, but I sat next to Keith Kelly and across from the King of All Gossip Columnists Richard Johnson—something must have rubbed off. I'll report, you decide. And you don't need to see a picture of me—I look fabulous, especially sitting here in my pj's.

What Will Halle Berry Name Her Fetus?

Emily Gould · 09/05/07 09:45AM

"Is Halle Berry pregnant?" has basically been a recurring article in celeb weeklies since their covers featured Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, so it took a while for us to wrap our minds around the idea that this time, Halle Berry is really actually, truly, up the stick. "Yes, I am three months pregnant! Gabriel and I are beyond excited, and I've waited a long time for this moment in life. Now the next seven months will be the longest of my life!" she told Access Hollywood last night. God, of all of our lives. (Plus, uh, ten months of gestation certainly sounds like too much to us!) So what will Halle call the long-awaited bundle? We're liking "Ivy F." (Or maybe Holly?) Thoughts? [Image via Splash News]

Choire · 08/29/07 12:00PM

We're still obsessing over that Ben Widdicombe blind item: "Which very senior Manhattan media executive looks like he might be about to go public with that office affair everyone has been talking about?" You know what we keep forgetting about? Conde Nast CEO Charles Townsend is in divorce proceedings in a Miami-Dade court. The Herald doesn't list a cause for the filing. He used to work with his wife at Family Circle! (Also we forget that he's a commodore of New York Yacht Club! Bwa.) Now that is something even less than circumstantial evidence if we've ever seen it. But don't men always make the same mistake twice? [Miami Herald]

Choire · 08/29/07 10:40AM

Very slight forward movement on a recent blind item: Remember gossipboy Ben Widdicombe's "Which very senior Manhattan media executive looks like he might be about to go public with that office affair everyone has been talking about?" Well, think Conde Nast. That's as far as we've gotten—but we're not letting this one go.

Gossip Roundup: Sopranos Hits Close To Home

Emily Gould · 04/23/07 09:16AM
  • Observer goss boy Spencer Morgan's dad got kneed in the balls on the Sopranos last night. Also, Spencer is Harry Morgan's grandson. Now you know. (All about the eyebrows.) [Observer]

Gossip Roundup: Britney's "Real Woman's Love"

Emily Gould · 04/20/07 09:37AM
  • Britney Spears' dad speaks out about Brit's firing her manager Larry Rudolph: "The Spears family would like to publicly apologize to Larry for our daughter's statements about him over the past few weeks." Britney's response: "I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It's sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman's love." Damn, we like this new publicist-having Britney! [Page Six]

Gossip Roundup: Donald In Rosie's Underpants

Emily Gould · 04/19/07 09:21AM
  • Donald Trump seizes the moral high ground once more by purchasing the S&M undergarment Rosie O'Donnell wore in that movie with the posters that terrified you as a child and sending it to Barbara Walters' office. [Page Six]

Gossip Roundup: Hello, Courtnuce Willove

Emily Gould · 04/17/07 09:15AM
  • Grandma Cindy claims that Courtney Love and Bruce Willis's birthday kiss wasn't just a one-time thing. Also, that Bruce "leaves no moan unturned." Ew. [Cindy]

Gossip Roundup: Billionaire Blind Items

Emily Gould · 04/16/07 09:02AM
  • Just Asking: Which Ron Perelman has his publicist double as a matchmaker? Ron Perelman has his rep seek out and then screen his dates to make sure everything's kosher... [Page Six]

Gossip Roundup: Drew Barrymore's Natural Beauty

Emily Gould · 04/12/07 08:55AM
  • Drew Barrymore didn't even have to win Top Model to get a contract with Cover Girl! "'How do I honor the tradition of Cover Girl and still bring myself?' Barrymore said she asked herself before doing the print campaign. 'It is a tone and a feeling.'"[WWD]

Gossip Roundup: Class Runs In Anna Nicole Fam

Emily Gould · 04/11/07 09:22AM
  • Anna Nicole Smith's sister dishes to Cindy Adams—at the Waverly Inn, no less. Classy! Well... "I was there when she did liposuction in the '90s. I have pictures of her lipo. Even though I needed money bad, I never sold her out." Ok, maybe not. [Cindy]