Gossip Roundup: Larry Birkhead By A Nose?
Emily Gould · 04/09/07 09:15AMGossip Roundup: Britney Spears Goes It Alone
Emily Gould · 04/06/07 09:18AMGossip Roundup: The Anna Nicole Smith Diaries
Emily Gould · 04/05/07 08:58AMN.Y.U. To Get Trashy Horrid Gossip Site
Doree · 04/04/07 11:54AM
TheU.com is hiring for a N.Y.U. gossip blog. According to one applicant, it'll be "edgy" and "gawker.com meets P*r*z Hilton." Some of their post ideas were the 100 hottest NYU students ("but in an edgy, sarcastic way!"), who's the biggest Adderall user on campus, and "crazy shit we're sure happens at NYU!" Like dorm pervs, maybe? Helpfully, they also provided a couple of sample posts. Wow! Really, wow. Click to enlarge.
Gossip Roundup: Is Anyone Handling Paris Hilton?
Choire · 04/04/07 08:46AMGossip Roundup: Tinsley Mortimer Gone Wild
Emily Gould · 04/03/07 08:48AMGossip Roundup: Jane Pratt Loose-Tongued On Drew Barrymore
Emily Gould · 03/28/07 09:22AMGossip Roundup: Britney Spears, Deflated
Emily Gould · 03/27/07 09:15AMGossip Roundup: Britney's Dental Damn
Emily Gould · 03/26/07 08:57AMGossip Roundup: Rachael Ray's Mmm Face
Emily Gould · 03/23/07 09:00AMGossip Roundup: Angelina Jolie Applauds Pax's Courage
Emily Gould · 03/22/07 08:45AMGossip Roundup: Wilmer Is Dedicated To Lindsay Lohan
Emily Gould · 03/20/07 09:13AMGossip Roundup: Lindsay Lohan Off Wagon?
Emily Gould · 03/16/07 09:01AMGossip Roundup: Diane Von "Cabbage" Furstenberg
Emily Gould · 03/15/07 09:00AM
- Among the guests at Tina Brown and Harry Evans' duplex last night: Fergie, Duchess of York, who told Helen Mirren how accurately she portrayed Elizabeth II for the millionth time, and Diane Von Furstenberg, who also loved the movie, and left it with a new pet name: "'What do you call me now in bed?' she asked [her husband Barry Diller]. 'Like in the movie?' She thought for a minute: 'Cabbage!'" [FoxNews]
Gossip Roundup: Lindsay Lohan, Rear-Ender
Emily Gould · 03/14/07 08:26AMGossip Roundup: Lindsjude Lawhan
Emily Gould · 03/13/07 08:53AMGossip Roundup: Kate Moss Tends To The Wounded
Emily Gould · 03/12/07 09:00AM
- In a rare interview with British Vogue, Kate Moss discussed her compassion for the paparazzi: "'Once I was walking from The Mercer [hotel] in New York down the street (because otherwise I don't walk anywhere), and this woman paparazzo who was following me fell over a fire hydrant and her whole tooth went through her lip. I leant over her, saying, 'Are you all right?' and she was still taking pictures. I was, 'You know what? You are sick in the head.'" [Independent]
Gossip Roundup: Anna Nicole's Native Son
Emily Gould · 03/09/07 09:25AM
- "Mama je'e went to heaven, mo'okwad," Soto gently informs his son. "Mama je'e watches us from the sky. Like Peanut," he says, referring to a family dog attacked and eaten by a pack of coyotes months back." Now go and read the rest of the story about Anna Nicole Smith's purported Native American lovechild. Trust us, you want to. [Phoenix New Times]