
Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 08:03AM

"I was at a conference in Bern, Switzerland, last week and struggling with my column."- The powerful first line of today's (or any day's) Thomas Friedman column.

A University Food-Services Site Was Hacked on Behalf of Hungry Juggalos

Camille Dodero · 08/28/13 02:10PM

Yesterday, when the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the New York Times, it was a development of great importance. Over the weekend, when a university hospitality web site was hacked in defense of hungry Canadian Juggalos, the hack was of very little significance. But it was still pretty funny.

Jennifer Rubin Is the Writer the Washington Post Deserves

J.K. Trotter · 08/16/13 04:21PM

Jennifer Rubin is a professional liar. From her perch in the Washington Post’s Opinions section, she publishes lie after lie after lie after lie after lie — too many for any one person to possibly catalog. (Though some have tried.) How does she hang on at the Post? This week the paper’s former ombudsman, Patrick B. Pexton, supplied a helpful clue.

Racial Profiling Is “Common Sense" to Kathleen Parker

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 12:40PM

No matter how great the backlash, the venerable Washington Post is determined to publish explanations from white columnists of why Trayvon Martin's death was actually very understandable. Today: Kathleen Parker says that racial profiling is "common sense." Oh yes.

Top Spy's Sexy Emails Hacked

Max Read · 07/11/13 10:20AM

Over a 32-year career with the Defense Intelligence Agency, Roy Apseloff worked as the organization's Deputy CIO, Vice Deputy Director for Information Management, and director of its National Media Exploitation Center. None of that, apparently, adequately prepared him for his personal—and very sexy—email getting hacked.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/13 01:53PM

National Review writer Daniel Foster thinks that assassinating Edward Snowden would be hilarious.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 09:01AM

After writing two (2) columns about his daughter's college roommate, Thomas Friedman follows up with a column today that consists largely of quotes from a week-old David Simon essay. Thomas Friedman is no longer even trying.

Frank Bruni Writes Column About Summer, As If Anyone Gives a Shit

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/13 08:33AM

Although Frank Bruni is a bad newspaper columnist, he does write for a very influential newspaper, even if he doesn't always seem to know it. But we can't expect Frank Bruni to always be writing about "news." Sometimes, you just wanna say, "Hey, Frank: could you opine on the current season, for 800 words or so?"

How You Can Use an Android Phone to Hijack a Plane from the Ground

Max Read · 04/11/13 08:21AM

If you've ever wanted to hijack a plane—but been prevented by your crippling fear of flying—you can now do it from the ground! All you need is an Android phone, a radio transmitter, flight management software, and some basic hacking skills, and you can control an entire passenger jet from the comfort of your living room. Not that you, uh, should! But you could.

David Brooks Column, or College Kid Musing About Girls? It's Both!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/13 08:55AM

David Brooks, a clumsy amateur sociologist who has improbably turned a talent for adjusting his glasses in a wise-looking manner into a gig as a nationally respected opinion columnist, is a busy man. He's teaching a class at Yale, okay? He can't be expected to come up with his own ideas every single week. Today, he hit on a novel solution to his quandary: just have one of his students write his column! You can hardly tell the difference.

Hacked Emails Show Hillary Clinton Was Receiving Advice at a Private Email Account From Banned, Obama-Hating Former Staffer

John Cook · 03/20/13 03:39PM

As the Smoking Gun and others have reported, a hacker calling himself (or herself) "Guccifer" claims to have compromised the email account of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, revealing memos that Blumenthal purportedly wrote to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Benghazi and other matters. What seems to have escaped notice is that Blumenthal, a fierce Clinton partisan in the 1990s, was the orchestrator of a subterranean smear campaign against Obama during the Democratic primary and was specifically spiked by the White House as a potential staffer for Clinton when she became Secretary of State. And he was sending notes to Clinton at a private, non-governmental email address. Did Obama know Clinton was consulting with the guy who tried to kneecap him?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/13 01:58PM

Her 20-year supply of pop-political topics exhausted, Maureen Dowd goes back and starts running 1992 columns over again.