
Shocking Ghost Video Shows Ghost Robbing Liquor Store

Ken Layne · 10/21/13 03:00PM

There's a lot of phony ghost videos out there, but this footage from multiple security cameras is perhaps the most shockingly real ghost ever seen. While the entity is clearly visible moving through the aisles and examining the alcoholic beverages offered by the store, the ghost did not actually take any liquor, because ghosts cannot really carry things.

Terrifying Clowns Arrested In New Jersey and Maine

Ken Layne · 10/21/13 02:15PM

Halloween is a special time when drunken adults dressed as horrifying clowns start crashing their cars and freaking people out down at the McDonald's. Over the next 10 days, hundreds of scary clowns will be arrested nationwide for all kinds of terrible behavior. When a person decides to be an evil clown for Halloween, they are basically planning on being arrested.

Dear College Kids, If You Dress in an Ironically Racist or Insensitive Costume, You May Get Punched In the Nose Like I Did

Gawker · 10/31/12 04:40PM

When it actually happened- it being, when I was punched in the face by a black man for wearing what I was wearing for Halloween- is a bit of blur. The before part anyway. The after came into focus so sharply and so quickly, it took a while to process. That is until the blood came gushing out. The exchange before the guy punched me in the face was simple: he screamed something to the effect of my costume being racist, and I responded with the kind of shitty teen explanation that makes you wonder why doctors don't devote all of science to discovering a cure for teenager. Here's how it went down.

Three Part 3s: Friday the 13th Part 3, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors and Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Rich Juzwiak · 10/29/12 04:50PM

"We always had to make a conscious decision to make the same movie over again, only each one would be slightly different," says Steve Miner, the director of the second and third Friday the 13th installments (and associate producer of the first), in the franchise's oral history, Crystal Lake Memories. Indeed, by 1982's Friday the 13th Part III, the series was already repeating itself: once again, we watched a formerly bullied giant mama's boy stalking dumb kids in a rural setting, killing some in ways he had killed their predecessors (through-the-bed stabbing from below got a reprise). The climax virtually repeated that of the first film's except it was Jason who was doing the slaying and his now-decomposing mother who did the final-scare popping out of the water. They just traded roles, of course — shifting bodies around was business as usual.

Punks Don't Wear Butterfly Tattoos: Show Us Your Most Embarrassing Past Halloween Costumes

Cord Jefferson · 10/29/12 04:45PM

With the bleakness of Hurricane Sandy closing in all around—at least on the East Coast—let us not forget that Halloween is also nearly here. To better get our minds off the violent terror that is Mother Nature, we thought it might be a good idea to revel in the slightly less damaging terror of humiliating old Halloween costumes. Because what better way to while away the hours inside than by remembering what a cute or stunningly awkward and lonely child you used to be?