
New Mexico City Officials in Evil, Dumb Gun-Running Ring

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 08:43AM

From the "You think your local politicians are bad..." department: the mayor, police chief, and a town councilman in the border town of Columbus, New Mexico have been arrested and charged with running an illegal gun-smuggling ring. The mayor allegedly bought dozens of pistols and stored them, and the police chief allegedly bought body armor. The Feds say that much of the material was destined for violent Mexican drug gangs that operate just across the border. Nice.

Is This Sarah Palin's Secret Facebook Page?

John Cook · 02/22/11 10:37AM

It looks like America's Facebooking-est failed governor has been using a fake account to shower praise on her daughter and "like" herself. And she's friends with some creepy people!

Black Students Are Late Because Slaves Were Late, Said College Professor

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/11 09:33AM

What with the alarming recent pseudotrend of racism permeating college campuses, we'd be remiss if we didn't bring you up to speed on this late-breaking story from Friday: Mark Wattier (pictured, atop horse), a political science professor at Murray State University, has decided to retire after being suspended by the school for allegedly making a racial remark to two black students who, he said, showed up late for class. The student says:

Crooks Lose Money In Botched Gun Store Robbery

Jeff Neumann · 02/19/11 04:32PM

Let's say you're going to hold up a gun store. You'd at least load your pistol, right? Well, someone should have told that to the two guys who tried to rob a 65-year-old gun store clerk in Kansas City yesterday. The would-be robbers asked for ammo and put $40 on the counter. Then, from the Kansas City Star:

Is This School Bus Driver Fearless or Just an Idiot?

Matt Cherette · 01/23/11 09:58PM

Don't try this at home! Actually, don't try it anywhere—ever. Anyway, here's a four-minute video of a Nicaraguan school bus driver literally fording a raging river. Twice! (The bus is full, by the way.) Brave? Idiot? Brave idiot?

Rush Limbaugh Shows Off His Chinese Voice

Jim Newell · 01/19/11 04:15PM

Conservative radio king Rush Limbaugh sure thinks Chinese people talk funny. Want to hear the impression of Chinese President Hu Jintao he unveiled today? It's 20 straight seconds of cartoonish "CHING CHANG CHONG" sounds. Seriously. The audio is below.

Motel Robbery with Musket Caught on Tape

Matt Toder · 12/30/10 09:16AM

First, these guys thought it would be a smart move to attempt to rob a Super 8 Motel. Second, without any weapons of this century at their disposal, they used a musket. Spoiler alert: they left without any cash.

Cab Driver Unwittingly Busts Mobile Meth Lab

Jeff Neumann · 12/27/10 06:26AM

On Christmas Day, a Chicago cab driver picked up 25-year-old Joseph Hoffman. When they arrived at Hoffman's destination, he was passed out cold. The driver eventually called police, who found a mobile meth lab and other drugs worth $450,000.