
No, You Cannot Bring Your Pony on the Train

Max Read · 05/18/11 07:19PM

Ponies are small, yes, but they are not small enough to bring on a train with you. And yet this did not seem to stop a man in Wales, who attempted to board a train at the Wrexham General station over the weekend, only to be rebuffed by the conductor. It did not end there, either; the man then attempted to buy two tickets from the ticket booth (one for him and one for the pony), and was turned away again. He was later seen at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital (for humans), asking for treatment for the pony from a doctor. [BBC]

Never Trust a Doctor Who Uses Toothpicks for Acupuncture

Max Read · 05/16/11 08:10PM

Are you sure that your doctor is a real doctor? It can be difficult to tell! For example, if he gives you a bottle of pills called "Prosperous Farmer Dietary Supplements" that expired in 2002, he is probably not credentialed.

Beware of Barfly Banking Chaperones

Lauri Apple · 05/15/11 10:11AM

The next time you're getting drunk in some bar — let's call it Boomer's — and a stranger suddenly offers to take you to the bank and help you open up a new account, maybe don't go with them. Yeah, just keep on drinking.

Louisiana Defends Its Confederate Flag From 'Revisionists'

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/11 09:11AM

In Louisiana, a black man who was convicted for murder is seeking to overturn his conviction on several grounds, the most interesting of which is this: he contends that the fact that the Confederate flag flies in front of the courthouse where he was convicted is evidence of discrimination.

Chuck Schumer Has Another Stupid Idea

Jeff Neumann · 05/08/11 11:40PM

The killing of Osama bin Laden has put a renewed focus on pumping time and money into failed counter-terrorism measures across America. So now, since ever-vigilant Senator Chuck Schumer has nothing better to do with his time, he wants to start a "no-ride list" for Amtrak trains across the country. That sounds like a great idea, because we all know how well the "no-fly list" has worked out for the airlines. Just ask any of the little kids who can't get on a flight with their parents. Or, ask the men sitting in jail for trying to blow people up on airplanes.

Rush Limbaugh (Very Sarcastically) Showers Praise on Obama

Jim Newell · 05/02/11 04:03PM

Have you, too, heard the sound of Rush Limbaugh patting himself on his gross back all afternoon? Because he sure pulled a quick one on the liberal media today! He opened his radio show by heaping praise on the president, even saying "Thank God for President Obama." Hey now... really?

Donald Trump Pimps New Obama Conspiracy

Max Read · 04/16/11 02:56PM

Ocherous churl Donald Trump slouched beast-like to Fox News on Friday night, where he engaged in something called "The Trump Interview" with right-wing backboard Sean Hannity. It was, yes, essentially unwatchable, but Trump revealed, in the course of the evening, that he has become a subscriber to the third most prevalent anti-Obama conspiracy, namely, that Obama's book Dreams From My Father was written by former Weatherman and current "super-genius" Bill Ayers. Ernest Hemingway was brought up, as was Trump's own opus, The Art of the Deal:

Conservative Idiots Freak Out About Boy Wearing Nail Polish in J. Crew Ad

Richard Lawson · 04/12/11 12:42PM

Last week an ad was emailed to J. Crew customers featuring a photo of the company's president and creative director Jenna Lyons and her son in which she was painting his toenails pink. A caption below the picture read: "Lucky for me I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink. Toenail painting is way more fun in neon." Oh, fun. Good for her. Good for him. Right? Wrong. This is an outrage!

Man Claims Four Loko Gave Him Permanent Heart Damage

Max Read · 03/21/11 09:51PM

Michael Mustica, a 22-year-old tire salesman from New Jersey, kicked off his Atlantic City vacation in style last October by drinking two and a half cans of alcoholic energy drink Four Loko and falling asleep. Little did he know that when he woke up, things would never be the same!

NYC Bike Messengers Swigging Whiskey to Keep Warm

Richard Blakeley · 03/14/11 11:30AM

The typical day in the life of a New York City bike messenger apparently involves swigging whisky during breaks while constantly dodging potentially fatal traffic.