
Nate Silver, Inspired by Ferguson, Tells Idiotic Arrest Story

Michelle Dean · 08/13/14 11:14PM

Nate Silver, a man frequently hailed as the future of journalism, gave a master class this evening on How Not To React To The News That Doesn't Involve You (Ferguson edition). In short, don't make it an occasion to tell the story about That Time You Were Arrested (as a white man) and the cops were actually nice and let you eat a burrito.

A Case Study in How the "Brand" Concept Makes Case Studies Stupid

Tom Scocca · 07/07/14 04:15PM

The New Yorker website, not to be confused with the New Yorker print magazine, is thinking about status today. In an item on its "Currency" vertical, the online New Yorker introduces us to researchers who have gained fascinating insights into how people police the abstract status identities they've constructed around their preferred "brands"—or else (maybe?) how people who have attained the factual condition of attending Harvard or of running long-distance obstacle courses disdain people who claim to have done those things without having done those things:

Rick Perry, a Moron, Says Homosexuality Is Like Alcoholism

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/14 08:10AM

Blow-dried idiot and Texas Governor Rick "See My Glasses?" Perry has done some thinking, about these homos. Rick Perry is now prepared to answer your homosexual questions, in a hilariously poor fashion.

Americans Are Big Believers In Science, If You Ignore the Tea Partiers

Adam Weinstein · 06/02/14 03:00PM

You know all that fuss about how liberals love science and conservatives hate it? Well, it turns out that a sizable majority of all Americans have faith in the quantifiable, reproducible conclusions of empirical observation. As long as you leave self-identified Tea Partiers out of the equation.

Rich People Apparently Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 05/30/14 02:04PM

If it's summertime, and you have a net worth that is at least seven figures, that means it's time for JPMorgan's suggested summer reading list—the books that they tell their wealthy clients to pretend to read this summer. The wealthy, their bankers apparently believe, are dumb.

New Math Will Make All of Our Schoolchildren Gay, Says Idiot

Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 02:10PM

It's the Common Core, you see, it's got the gay-making all built into it. Do an arithmetic problem all new and queer-like, and you go queer. This simple Florida lawmaker can see that. Why can't you? Are you gay or something?

White Oklahoma Lawmaker Explores His Thoughts on the "N-Word"

Adam Weinstein · 05/01/14 12:22PM

That short glug of water in the bolo unhappily shaking President Obama's hand is Oklahoma Rep. Paul Wesselhöft, who's lately made his bones calling for Attorney General Eric Holder's impeachment and warning all listeners about the terrors of the National Black Panther Party.

South Carolina Idiots Terrified of Lesbians Recruiting Their Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/14 08:54AM

Though there are many fine people in the state of South Carolina, it is fairly uncontroversial to observe that the political class of South Carolina is the dumbest bunch of fucking hicks legally allowed to vote in the United States of America.