Every Day is Kate Moss 'n' Cocaine Day
Jessica · 09/22/05 10:50AM
The fallout from last week's Daily Mirror photo spread of model Kate Moss enjoying a healthy line or twelve of cocaine continues, as stalwart label Burberry followed Chanel and H&M in dropping Moss from their campaign. Cosmetics company Rimmel is also reviewing their contract with Moss, having officially expressed their dismay with the model for clearly wearing Clinique eyeshadow while being photographed blowing rails.
Today in Kate Moss & Cocaine: Au Revoir, Chanel
Jessica · 09/21/05 03:30PM
Things just keep getting worse for (former?) supermodel Kate Moss. After her coke-sniffing mug was featured on the cover of the UK's Daily Mirror last week, mega-retailer H&M has dropped Moss from their upcoming campaign and it seems that Chanel is following suit, refusing to renew Moss' contract in October. Moss still has a deal with cosmetics company Rimmel but, at this rate, we doubt that'll last much longer.
The Last Women's Mag Frontier: China
Jesse · 09/20/05 11:40AMGossip Roundup: Kate Moss Likes Cocaine, Still
Jessica · 09/20/05 11:26AM
• Kate Moss' well-documented coke binge last week doesn't compare to that one time she blew through a fist-sized mound of cocaine with fellow catwalker Naomi Campbell, or when she demanded several hundred British pounds' worth of coke just to attend an event with Nelson Mandela, or that three-way incident with Jude Law and his then-wife, Sadie Frost. [R&M]
• The pre-Emmy party at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel was a tweenie showdown, with Nicole Richie and Mischa Barton holding court on one side of the pool and Paris Hilton, Mary-Kate Olsen, and Lindsay Lohan on the other. Lohan, being friendly with both "teams," spent most of her time running back and forth. Then Hilary Duff took everyone's lunch money. [Page Six]
• On her last night as a free woman, newly-imprisoned rapper Lil' Kim enjoyed a tearful dinner at Mr. Chow and dancing at PM. All in Gucci, and all for the cameras. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
• When Mayor Bloomberg kisses a woman, it's "all teeth, no tongue." Remember that come November. [Page Six]
• Will Martha Stewart take off her chinchilla just long enough to shill for PETA? [Scoop]
Kate Moss Cocaine Update: H&M Refuses to Be an Enabler
Jessica · 09/20/05 08:37AM
Not one week after supermodel Kate Moss was busted by the UK's Daily Mirror for indulging in some beefy lines of coke, cheap-chic retail chain H&M has decided to drop supermodel Kate Moss from its upcoming campaign. This comes as a complete 180 from yesterday, when the company publically stated to be "giving [Moss] a second chance." Apparently they needed to sleep on it one more night, because that second chance lasted about 24 hours, according to an H&M spokeswoman:
Kate Moss Cocaine Update: Why Yes, That Was Blow She Was Doing
Jessica · 09/19/05 02:04PM
As it turns out, most of last week was not a figment of our imagination: Supermodel Kate Moss, appearing on the cover of the UK's Daily Mirror cutting and snorting hearty lines of cocaine, has admitted that she was not bumping a mix of powdered sugar and baking soda. The white substance featured at right was, in fact, COCAINE.
Weekend Getaway With Harold Evans
Jessica · 09/19/05 07:15AMIn this week's edition of his BBC Radio 4 broadcast, Tina Brown's slave-hubby Harold Evans continues to give the U.S. of A. some more head, going down on Katrina and fellating the event into a lengthy speech on American semantics. Specifically, Harry finds perhaps the only positive outcome from the devastating hurricane, as the media is abandoning all sorts of fluff terms and calling poor people exactly what they are: poor. We're not even sure what that means, but it sounds fascinating! After the jump, Henry the Intern's weekly report.
Exactly Why We Didn't Want to Name the Cat 'Mary Jane'
Jesse · 09/16/05 03:11PMIf We Can't See the Kate Coke Pix, Dammit, Nobody Can!
Jesse · 09/16/05 10:53AMKate Moss + Cocaine = Lindsay Lohan
Jessica · 09/16/05 09:15AMKate Moss Still Used Cocaine Yesterday
Jessica · 09/16/05 08:30AM
You really have to hand it to the Daily Mirror: After yesterday's front-page story starring supermodel Kate Moss — who bravely inhaled multiple lines of Bolivian marching powder — they've managed to stretch the story out to a second day, announcing that they have video footage of the event ('cause, you know, it's fun to hit the rewind button and watch Moss shoot cocaine out of her nose).
Remainders: It's Kate Moss' World, We're Just Cutting Lines in It
Jessica · 09/15/05 05:45PM
• In the wake of her awesome drug-abusing debut, supermodel Kate Moss enjoys a calamitous scene outside the Mercer Hotel, complete with stalkerazzi and the FDNY. [Verbose Coma]
• After 5 months of marriage, actress Renée Zellwegger and country singer Kenny Chesney have their marriage annulled. The perfect Hollywood romance! [People]
• Britney's abortion doctors speak: "How we failed..." [Low Culture]
• Courtesy of the blogosphere's irrepressable Andrew Krucoff, a handy guide to understanding teen-fixated writer David Amsden and Amsden-fixated TMFTML blogger Alex Balk. [YM]
• As Tara Reid's Taradise travel show enters its final hours, the Tara Reid Self-Loathing Index resists the influence of Reid's parental units. [Gridskipper]
• A few days ago, we wondered how rapper Lil' Kim would spend her last days as a free woman before heading off on Monday to serve a year in prison for perjury. As it turns out, our guesses were way off: She's filming a reality tv show. Predictable. [Reality Blurred]
Kate Moss and Her Cocaine: A Story Told in Pictures
Jessica · 09/15/05 04:00PM
We've spent the better part of our day celebrating model Kate Moss, who has boldly come forward as part of a new drug-awareness campaign targeting circles of the chic and fabulous. The UK's Daily Mirror is dripping in grainy snapshots of the supermodel cutting and snorting lines of cocaine; after the jump, we're proud to present you with the entire photographic collection. It's the prettiest lesson in rail-blowing you'll see all day.
Si Newhouse Oppresses Editorial Assistants, the Dalai Lama
Jesse · 09/15/05 03:25PMKate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker, Cont'd
Jessica · 09/15/05 10:52AMKate Moss in Cocaine Non-Shocker
Jessica · 09/15/05 09:50AM
It's not today's story about supermodel Kate Moss, who the UK's Daily Mirror has photographed hoovering coke, that has us all worked up. She's a fucking model, for chrissakes, and joined at the butt to rocker Pete Doherty, who's addicted to substances we don't even know exist yet. OF COURSE SHE DOES COCAINE. Welcome to Fashion Week 1978!
Where in the World is Johnny Apple?
Jesse · 09/14/05 08:59AMThere's a Scout Troop Short a Child, Khrushchev's Due at Idlewild
Jesse · 09/13/05 12:27PMWeekend Getaway With Harold Evans
Jessica · 09/12/05 07:30AMIn this week's edition of Harold Evans' BBC Radio 4 broadcast, Tina Brown's love monkey directs his passion, yet again, to the glory of the American spirit. Naturally, Evans reflects on the goverment's response (or lack thereof) in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and predicts the disaster to have a similar political impact as that of the Great Depression. Why you care: Evans somehow comes to this conclusion via a metaphor about a log floating in water, which sounds a lot like borderline potty humor to us. After the jump, Henry the Intern's weekly report.