
Comment of the Day: A Very 'Laroussian' Lesson For Us All

Leah Beckmann · 12/15/11 06:45PM

Today a dark and mysterious internet website was decoded for us. Yes, we learned the five different types of posts that angsty twenty-somethings are either writing or reading, and it was not pretty. It can time to process hard information like this, time and practice. Fortunately for us, one commenter has provided us with a sample how-to-Thought-Catalog post.

The Five Types of Posts You Find at Thought Catalog

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/11 01:05PM

Thought Catalog, the of urban 25-year-old creative writing majors (and their spiritual kin) who are incapable of being boring, is redefining the art of blog post writing for a new and vibrant generation. Today's "The Different Types Of People You See At The Gym" is but one example of the fresh, unexplored literary frontiers that they are, you know, exploring. What other types of posts can you find on Thought Catalog?

Top Five Gifts Under Five Cents

Adrian Chen · 12/08/11 03:30PM

The economy is crappier than a Porta-Potty at an outdoor electronic dance music festival. We've all got to pinch pennies, and the holidays are no exception. So, we present our top five gifts under five cents.

The 25 Most Unranked Colleges in America

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/11 01:17PM

It's a day of the year, which means it's time for an online media outlet to produce a listicle of colleges, ranked upon some wacky basis! The Daily Beast tries to cover every conceivable college listicle angle today—but they stop after ranking only the categories of Best International Schools, Best Party Schools, Most Beautiful, Happiest, Brainiacs, Activists, Best Food, Future CEOs, Artistic, Least Rigorous, Cheapest, Return on Investment, Most Rigorous, Free-Spirited, Horniest, Gay-Friendly, Best Weather, Computer Geeks, Accessible Professors, Future Politicians, Greenest, and Foreign Students.

How to Beat the Heat

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 05:10PM

It was ninety-something degrees in NYC today. Anthony Weiner's penis has been dominating the news for 24 hours now. Hotness besieges us on all sides! Need to beat that heat? Let's beat it together—with this handy list!

The Ten Worst Legacies of Starbucks

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/11 01:24PM

A hearty "Happy Anniversary—With Cream!" is in order for caffeine-'n-branding purveyor Starbucks, which is celebrating 40 years of not going out of business. On this blessed occasion, allow us to reflect on Starbucks' legacy of woe.

What Can Your State Cut From Its Budget?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/11 05:18PM

Governors across America are finally acknowledging that deep, painful budget cuts are unavoidable. But there's no one-size-fits-all prescription for state budget cuts. That's so stupid! For patriotism, we've composed this highly specific listicle noting exactly what each state in the union can cut back on. Is your state included? (Yes.)

These Are the Gayest Cities in America?

Brian Moylan · 01/12/11 01:27PM

Gay magazine The Advocate used its own formula to assemble a list of the most homotastic cities in America and published the results today. You may be shocked by which city is the gayest, and which ones don't even rank.

Lou Dobbs Returns, to Be Ignored

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/10 02:35PM

In your bloviating Wednesday media column: Lou Dobbs gets a new show, Tribune Co prepares for bonus season, Business Insider backtracks on a listicle, and Slate is—or is it?

The Top Ten Universities for Student Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 12:38PM

"For-profit" colleges have come under fire for saddling students with big debts in exchange for dim job prospects. But what about "real" colleges? They're pushing huge debts on students, too. We crunched the numbers to find the worst (NYU).

What To Read: A Silicon Valley Curriculum

Ryan Tate · 05/24/10 02:25PM

A Valleywag reader recently asked us what reading material best explains the players and games of the tech world. We decided to come up with a list—and ask for your input as well.