
Rolling Stone's True Blood Cover: Gross Vampire Threesome

Max Read · 08/17/10 09:07PM

Rolling Stone has a cover story about HBO's vampire-sex show True Blood, and for the photo... well, they got stars Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer naked, and then... uh, they seem to have sprayed them with fake blood.

Birthday Cock at Fox News

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/10 01:02PM

In your cocky Tuesday media column: those Red Eye boys are just as penis-obsessed as ever, News Corp gives a million bucks to Republicans, Nielsen's big IPO, and a reporter fired for wearing a nice hat.

Journalism in Mexico Is Dead

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/10 12:24PM

In your murderous Monday media column: Mexico's reporters have a terrible job, the NYT Co. tests its paywall on a small stage, nobody trusts TV news, and James Kilpatrick dies.

The Future of Magazines Is Squinty

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/10 01:29PM

In your wondrous Wednesday media column: a mobile phone-focused magazine launch, a J-school's magical new fee, Stefano Tonchi talks trash, a sluggish growth forecast, and Northeast recruiting explained.

Evan Thomas Leaving Increasingly Empty Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/10 12:30PM

In your trendy Tuesday media column: another big name leaves Newsweek, ProPublica's employees are shockingly well-compensated, magazine trends examined, more freelance payment fuckery, and OK! is not OK!

Freelance Payment Problems at Blackbook

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/10 12:09PM

In your contentious Friday media column: freelancers say BlackBook's not paying them, a family sues Metro for misleading photo usage, WaPoCo makes money (no thanks to the newspaper), and a bidder for Newsweek says he was ignored.