
Scenes From Today's Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication

Lauri Apple · 10/16/11 04:39PM

With tens of thousands of people occupying the streets, squares, Citibanks, and other public places of America to demand economic human rights for all, the dedication of a memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. seems like good timing—even if the memorial itself is kinda weird.

Obama Gets Malia's Age Wrong—Twice

Matt Cherette · 06/29/11 10:05PM

During his big press conference today, President Obama was asked about Congress' refusal thus far to raise the nation's debt ceiling. After imploring Republican lawmakers to stop procrastinating and "get this done," Obama took a shot at them by praising his daughters' study habits: "Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. Malia's 13, Sasha's 10... they don't wait until the night before!"

Ultra-Classy PR Rep Flacks for Restaurant By Planting Items About Obama's Daughter

John Cook · 03/08/11 04:06PM

Here's how all those "spotted" items get in gossip columns: celebrities eat at restaurants, restaurants tell their PR people, PR people call gossip columnists, and—voila!—"Celebrity A was spotted at Restaurant B last night." But what if the restaurant is a shitty chain eatery, and the "celebrity" is a 13-year-old girl whose father decided to get into politics and who has never taken an affirmative step toward establishing her own notoriety? Same thing.

Obama Girls Continue to Defy Adolescent Awkwardness

Maureen O'Connor · 08/31/10 12:39PM

Today, the Associated Press surveys all the miraculously adorable things we've learned about the Obama girls' lives in the White House, and all of it is cute. All of it. Even Malia's braces are adorable. How is this possible?

Hope on Wheels

Brian Moylan · 08/27/10 06:30PM

[President Obama lead his family, including daughter Malia, on a bike ride through Manuel Correllus State Forest in Martha's Vineyard today. Good weather at last! Image via Getty]

Barack Obama Discusses Malia's Growth Spurt

Maureen O'Connor · 07/09/10 10:01AM

Speaking at a Kansas City fundraiser, President Obama discussed his 12-year-old daughter Malia's growth spurt ("even though she's 5'9" she's still my baby") and how he's relieved she still needs braces so she "looks like a kid" a little longer.

Glenn Beck Relentlessly Mocks Malia Obama on Radio Show (UPDATED)

Matt Cherette · 05/28/10 12:10PM

Glenn Beck has never been very tactful, but his four-minute tirade against Malia Obama this morning over her "Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?" question regarding BP's oil leak represented a reprehensible new low. Audio inside. Update: Beck responds.

Finger on the Button

Brian Moylan · 12/03/09 07:05PM

[President Barack Obama gets some help from his first ladies, Sasha, Malia, and Michelle, when lighting the national Christmas tree in D.C. today. Image via AP]

Just Wait Until They Train Bo to Bite You, Mr. President

Foster Kamer · 09/20/09 01:30PM

Sometimes, my parents mistakenly call me by any number of our family's dogs' names. Here's a video of the president talking about flu vaccines, calling one of his daughters by his sister's names. I guess it could be worse:

Paps Snag Bam Fam Pix!

Pareene · 08/06/09 01:06PM

INF photogs snapped these candid pictures of Michelle Obama and daughter Malia leaving Top Chef Spike's burger joint in DC. Breaking: there are paparazzi in DC!

Hate Speech Against Malia Obama On Conservative Blogs

Foster Kamer · 07/12/09 02:15PM

We should've seen this coming: conservative blog Free Republic fired hate speech off at Malia Obama after this photo of her appeared, letting their commenters go to town. But the journalist who reported this as news isn't innocent, either.

Questionable Press Release of the Day

cityfile · 06/23/09 03:47PM

Were you aware that Malia Obama turns 11 on July 4? A Florida-based company called Best in Beauty sure is. It just sent her "a gift basket of nontoxic, hypoallergenic beauty products that 'tweens with allergies, like her, can use," and which you, too, can buy for $354.20. A "sweet and marvelous" gesture, no? [Washington Whispers]

The New Autograph

Richard Lawson · 02/18/09 06:24PM

[A boy takes a cellphone picture of First Daughters Sasha and Malia Obama sitting in the East Room of the White House as their mother Michelle speaks about Black History Month; image via Getty]