
Drinking Lots and Lots of Wine May Prevent Earth's Spermpocalypse

Ken Layne · 12/11/13 12:47PM

Important new research proves that drinking lots and lots of wine every week makes men have "stronger sperm." This means the sperm is more likely to reach its "goal," which is some part of a lady, if the sperm was ejaculated in the general direction of a lady.

Study: Everyone Stares at Tits

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/13 09:04AM

Well, they did the research, ran all the tests, modern technology, all of that. Turns out all those women weren't lying about people staring at their boobs. Huh.

Coworkers Bail on Prof Who Will Only Teach "Serious Heterosexual Guys"

Cord Jefferson · 09/26/13 04:49PM

Yesterday we showed you David Gilmour, the University of Toronto English professor who told a female reporter that he is "not interested in teaching books by women." "What I teach is guys," Gilmour continued. "Serious heterosexual guys." Gilmour probably thought he sounded very serious and heterosexual while making this bold declaration—a real Ruff Ryder. Unfortunately, his colleagues and students are now calling him a buffoon.

Cord Jefferson · 09/25/13 07:34PM

The college professor who said in a recent interview that he is "not interested in teaching books by women" has a perfect explanation: "I was having a conversation, in French, with a colleague while this young woman was doing this interview. So these were very much tossed-off remarks."

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/13 08:45AM

A new study found that college men who are not in fraternities are actually more likely to have "hypermasculine attitudes and hostility toward women," because frat bros are major pussies.

Esquire Editor Explains: Women Are 'There to Be Beautiful Objects'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/13 01:00PM

Esquire magazine's editorial philosophy can be summed up as "Booze, Bacon, Bourbon, Books, Broads, Boobs, and Bros Talking About Fashion But Uh, Not in a Gay Way." Actually, we're just giving them a hard time. The real editorial philosophy of Esquire, as stated by Esquire's UK editor, is simply: "Women are objects."

Where the Hell Is the Male Birth Control Pill?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/13 10:50AM

Good day to you all. It is time for "Hey, Science," our splendidly scientific weekly feature in which we have your most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too intelligent for our legion of learned persons, and the real winner is you, the public. This week, scientists answer the question: Why is there no male contraceptive pill?

How to Talk to a Female Journalist

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/13 12:52PM

Working in journalism is, like life, harder for women than it is for men, what with the patriarchy and all. This point was driven home this week by Marin Cogan's New Republic story on the various sexual harassment-themed indignities of being a female reporter in Washington, and by the "Said to Lady Journos" Tumblr, which chronicles fun on-the-job remarks like, "Are you lost, little girl?"

Artisanal Manliness For Fun and Profit

Caity Weaver · 01/31/13 12:00PM

Do you have a Y-chromosome and also a keenly refined rustic aesthetic? Are you eager to go camping but hesitant to put yourself in a position where you could ever be out-of-doors? Do you have $40 to blow on a hand-stitched "masculine, yet understated" leather keychain?

The New Rules of Flirting (For Dudes)

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/12 04:15PM

Fellas. Fellas? Fellas. I know how it is out there on the "battlefield of love" in this modern world, so to speak: the rules have changed. It's hard to keep up with what's "politically correct" these days in the wild and wooly dating arena. Can you compliment a coworker? On her outfit? Or her eyes? Or her ass? Can you touch her ass while doing so? How about her tits? Is she allowed to drive? To vote? What are the "rules?" You'd need a spreadsheet to keep it all straight. Fear not, homeboys (slang for "friends"): here are the new rules of flirting.