
Six Weeks Later, Ferguson Police Chief Says "I'm Truly Sorry"

Andy Cush · 09/25/14 10:22AM

In a video released today, Ferguson, Mo., Police Chief Thomas Jackson says that he is "truly sorry" to the Brown family for the death of Michael Brown and the way that his body was handled. He also apologizes to peaceful protesters "who did not feel that I did enough to protect their constitutional right to protest," and accepts full responsibility "for any mistakes I have made."

Justice Department to Launch Civil Rights Investigation of Ferguson PD

Aleksander Chan · 09/04/14 07:13AM

Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to launch a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department this week, the Washington Post reports. The probe is expected to determine "whether the department employed policies and practices that resulted in a pattern of civil rights violations," and stems from the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

The Life and Death of Michael Brown: A Ferguson Reading List

Jason Parham · 08/31/14 09:00AM

Words sustain us. In the weeks following the death of Michael Brown—the unarmed 18-year-old fatally shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson—there has been much written about Brown's life, the love he had for his family and friends, his affinity for rap music, and the racial tensions that plague the small St. Louis suburb. Daily dispatches from reporters like Wesley Lowery, Julie Bosman, Tyrmaine Lee, and Ryan J. Reilly, among others (not too mention Alderman Antonio French's real-time tweets) provided a ground-level view into what had been described as a warzone.

Here's the Daily Show Segment on Ferguson You've Been Waiting For

Jay Hathaway · 08/27/14 10:05AM

Jon Stewart is back after the Daily Show's annual summer hiatus, and it seems he missed a few things, like the police killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. So, better late than never, we finally get Stewart's take on Ferguson—specifically, his outrage at the way the shooting and subsequent protests have been covered by Fox News.

How Many St. Louis-Area Cops Are Members of "Patriot" Groups?

Adam Weinstein · 08/26/14 11:10AM

Late last week, reporters discovered a video of racist anti-government rantings by a St. Louis County police officer working the streets of Ferguson. Media scrutiny quickly focused on the officer's incendiary language and policing methods, but few paused to scrutinize the group to whom he was addressing his comments.

CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting

Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/25/14 10:52PM

CNN just aired an audio tape, allegedly recorded during the Michael Brown shooting, in which eleven gunshots can be heard—nearly double the number of shots originally reported. CNN says it has not independently verified the tape's authenticity.

Hundreds Gather to Mourn Michael Brown in St. Louis

Aleksander Chan · 08/25/14 01:23PM

Hundreds attended Michael Brown's funeral at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis today, weeks after he was gunned down by Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson. Brown's step-mother, Cal Brown, who called him "Mike-Mike," told the crowd, "He just wanted so much. He wanted to go to college. To be a good father."