Michele Bachmann Wants to Be Your 'Hombre-ette' in Washington
Jim Newell · 08/18/11 01:37PMWho knew that Michele Bachmann was such a fluent speaker of the Spanish language? No one knew that, because she isn't. But she'll try anyway. Consider the new word she invented, just today: "Hombre-ette."
Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday, on His Death Day
Jim Newell · 08/16/11 01:57PMKathy Griffin Recounts Her Chance Encounter with Michele Bachmann
Matt Cherette · 08/16/11 02:50AMKathy Griffin stopped by the set of Conan this evening and recounted an encounter she had with Michele Bachmann in Washington back in March. After first asking Bachmann if she'd be willing to support a rally to repeal don't ask don't tell, Griffin put the following question to the congresswoman and GOP presidential candidate: "Were you born a bigot or did you just, like, grow into it?" As you'll see in the clip above, Bachmann's response was pretty priceless.
Stephen Colbert Figures Out How Bachmann Won the Iowa Straw Poll
Matt Cherette · 08/16/11 12:58AMMichele Bachmann emerged as the GOP presidential frontrunner this past weekend, thanks to her first-place finish in the Iowa straw poll. So how did she pull it off? As Stephen Colbert explained on tonight's Report, it wasn't her charisma—or the Randy Travis concert inside her tent—that gave Bachmann the edge in Ames. But the 6,000 voting tickets she bought and then handed out to supporters may have had something to do with it. Video of Colbert's segment is above.
Say Hello to Rick Perry's New Campaign Bus
Lauri Apple · 08/14/11 02:44PMBachmann Dodges Questions About Gay Rights
Max Read · 08/14/11 10:30AMWhat is Michele Bachmann running for, again? "I'm running for the presidency of the United States," the Iowa straw poll winner helpfully clarified to Meet the Press host David Gregory on Sunday morning. "I'm not running to be anyone's judge." Except for, apparently, gay couples with kids, whom the congresswoman refused to describe as "families." But stop asking Michele Bachmann about that! This isn't "what people are concerned about right now"! Even though it is, according to Michele Bachmann, "the defining political issue of our time."
Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll
Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 06:30PMCNN Anchor Claims Marcus Bachmann Pushed Him
Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 10:22AMThe S&P Downgrade Was Basically Michele Bachmann's Fault
Jim Newell · 08/12/11 03:19PM
Forget her husband's ex-gay therapy clinics, her cutesy gaffes about John Wayne Gacy, and all the other nutty little stories about Michele Bachmann. You only need one reason to determine that Michele Bachmann's campaign is a sick joke: The way she brags about how she would never raise the debt ceiling, and her claim that S&P only downgraded U.S. debt because the debt ceiling was eventually raised.
What to Expect from Tonight's Iowa Debate
Jim Newell · 08/11/11 12:03PM
The Republican candidates have all gathered in Ames, Iowa tonight for a terrifying Fox News debate. Did they really need to do this on a night with so many wonderful NFL preseason games? Lord, do they ever hate America. Anyway, what will they babble about, and who will win, and what else? Let's explore!
Jon Stewart Shames Newsweek for Its Michele Bachmann Cover
Matt Cherette · 08/09/11 11:21PMMichele Bachmann Uses Anti-Facts to Explain the S&P Downgrade
Jim Newell · 08/09/11 11:42AM
So Michele Bachmann kept her campaign promise about not voting to raise the debt ceiling. She voted against everything, however Tea Partyish — including Cut, Cap and Balance — that would have raised it one farthing's worth. And now, in a spectacularly brazen dismemberment of factual truth, she's blaming S&P's decision to downgrade U.S. debt on the fact that the debt ceiling was raised at all.
Michele Bachmann Looks, Um, Surprised to Be on Newsweek Cover
Lauri Apple · 08/07/11 03:19PM
Congresswoman and Republican presidential candidate/shoo-in Michele Bachmann's made the cover of the latest Cosmo Newsweek—an honor that comes with a new if not entirely original nickname ("the Queen of Rage") and complimentary #QueenOfRage Twitter hashtag. Too bad the photographer startled her like that, eh?
Michele Bachmann Has No Comment On the Teen Suicide Epidemic in Her Own Backyard
Seth Abramovitch · 07/26/11 12:41AM
Gay-hating presidential aspirant Michele Bachmann represents a district of Minnesota which public health officials have labeled a "suicide contagion area," according to a deeply disturbing piece in Mother Jones. Here's why: In the space of two years, nine teenagers from the area have taken their own lives—the most recent one in May—while "many more" have attempted suicide unsuccessfully. Most of them were known or perceived to be LGBT youth.
Michele Bachmann 'Didn't Give 100 Percent to Cheerleading'
Maureen O'Connor · 07/22/11 01:45PMJon Stewart Checks Up on 2012's Republican Presidential Candidates
Matt Cherette · 07/21/11 11:22PMJon Stewart opened The Daily Show tonight with a check on the fundraising successes (or failures) of the many Republicans vying to replace President Obama in 2012. From dead-in-the-water (or in the Tiffany showroom) Newt Gingrich to migraine-afflicted Michele Bachmann, video of Stewart's assessment is above.