President Obama's not the only one desperately trying to raise last minute third quarter cash with transparent buddy-buddy gimmickry. Mitt Romney's also offering the opportunity of a lifetime: A chance to spend a day with him on the campaign trail! Can you even imagine having to spend an entire day with Mittens "Willard" Romney? Who's paying who here?

Romney filmed this last-minute solicitation today in New York, where he came to either rake in the fat cat bucks or prank call the Wall Street protesters, pretending to be Radiohead's manager. And just look at the enthusiastic pitch here from Romney's campaign site:

Mitt is on the road talking to voters across the country. Voters like you will decide the outcome of this election, so Mitt wants to hear from you.

Fill out this form for a chance to spend a day campaigning with Mitt.

The winner will experience pleasure. You will have the opportunity to wear a coat, tie, and khaki pants. Mitt Romney will greet you with what the focus group has determined to be common greeting words. You will discuss the weather for precisely 43 seconds. This will be enjoyable. You will then sort through the mail. This too will provide the human emotional response known as pleasure. You will have fifteen minutes to eat your midday rations of oat bread and castor oil. You will continue sorting through the mail. You will wash the bus with water and soap. The pleasure quotient during these actions will be precisely 75.6. That is an acceptable pleasure quotient. You will receive a saltwater taffy candy food item for evening sustenance. You will exit your day of pleasure with Mitt Romney at 6:45 post meridiem. This will be a net positive.