
A Nation Zinged: The Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

John Cook · 10/03/12 07:50PM

The first debate of the 2012 general election season—the one that will fundamentally alter the direction of this race even though both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are terrible debaters who will lose to each other—is upon us. So settle in to your couch, open a beer, review your debate drinking game rules, and let Max Read and I "liveblog"—that's a dead technology from the days before Twitter—the action for you. Let the zingers fly! (No seriously you can watch the ball game and just check in here; we'll keep you updated.)

Butt-Chugging the Election: Your 2012 Presidential Debate Drinking Games

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/03/12 03:20PM

The presidential debate will be on all the networks tonight. This explains the sense of dejection you felt on waking this morning and realizing, in some vulnerable corner of your heart, that Detective Olivia Benson won't be getting too close to a case. I'm sorry it had to be this way.

Obama Loses Coveted Creed Frontman Endorsement

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/02/12 10:00AM

Remember Creed? The band that plays second fiddle to Nickelback in music acts people love to hate? Well, the group's lead singer Scott Stapp made a highly anticipated appearance on Fox & Friends this morning to reveal his choice for America's next president, and — surprise — it's not Obama.

Over 47 Percent of Voters Think Media Over-Covered Mitt Romney's '47 Percent' Remarks

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/01/12 05:50PM

Following the release of secretly recorded footage from a $50,000-a-plate Mitt Romney fundraiser, in which the GOP's presidential nominee can be heard blasting 47 percent of all voters for believing "they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it," subsequent media coverage may have given a casual observer the impression that Romney had all but forfeited the race.

Yes, Mitt Romney Is Getting a Raw Deal From the Press

John Cook · 10/01/12 03:35PM

First off—there is no such thing as "the media." The people and entities who shape our political coverage represent a fractured, disaggregated, chaotic mass of divergent agendas and interests. While they often display pack behavior, they do not operate as a coordinated monolith. But that doesn't mean they're being fair to Mitt Romney. They're not.

Hunting and the Idiocy of Identity Politics

Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/12 09:00AM

The Romney-Ryan ticket, which will lose the US presidential election this November, is still giving it their all. The campaign is trailing in key states like Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio. But they have a secret weapon: VP nominee Paul Ryan is an avid hunter.

Dear America's Political Columnists: Keep Your 'Satirical' Ideas to Yourselves, Please

John Cook · 09/26/12 12:37PM

Roger Simon wrote a...thing today for Politico in which he revealed highly embarrassing details about GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's contempt for Mitt Romney: Ryan has "gone rogue," openly referring to Romney as "the Stench" on the campaign trail and refusing to follow the campaign's direction. EXCEPT TOTALLY NOT! Jokes on you, suckers.

Paul Ryan's Got a Cute Nickname for His Floundering Running Mate: 'The Stench' (UPDATE)

Cord Jefferson · 09/26/12 10:55AM

How can you tell when a presidential campaign is not going so well? A lot of ways, actually, but one way is to listen to the candidate for vice president's pet names for his presidential running mate. If one of those sobriquets is a word normally reserved to describe death, filth, and feces, chances are that you are looking at a rather unsuccessful presidential campaign.

ICYMI: Here Are the 60 Minutes Interviews With the Presidential Candidates In 60 Seconds

Kate Bennert · 09/24/12 07:00PM

The infamous and inevitable 60 Minutes interviews with the Chosen Two aired on CBS last night. Neither candidate said anything that they had never said before and everyone walked away forgetting why they had opted to watch the predictably uninformative interviews in the first place. (Is 60 Minutes even still a thing?)